chapter twenty two

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megan's pov:

i sat by alexandra's bedside holding her left hand. her right arm was in a cast and in a sling. the cuts and bruises on her face were going from red to a darker purple. it wasn't many. she had a slight bruise on her right cheek and a cut on her eyebrow. alexandra's dad told me she was in the middle of an intersection when the drunk driver ran the red light hitting the right side of her car. her car is completely totaled and the other driver died at the scene.

"hey mija. we are going down to get some food. would you like to come?" matteo asked with a hand on my shoulder pulling me out of my thoughts.

"no thank you. i'll be okay." i responded. he nodded and the three left shutting the door softly. i couldn't even think about eating. my mind was racing.

it was now 11 am. alexandra had been asleep for a couple of hours now but they said it was normal considering the state her body was in. i had texted daniel and told him everything that had happened. he said he was sorry and that if i needed anything to let him know. he was going to try to come by later with samantha to see alex. i sat and held alex's hand tightly and talked to her. the doctors said it could be any minute now.

"i'm so sorry lex, if i had never told you to come over, you'd be in the safety of your own home. you would be still asleep probably knowing how you are." i slightly laugh. i continued to talk hoping she'd wake up.

"i really like your family. they are very welcoming and have made me feel comfortable. i like how they accept us and unconditionally love you." i whispered.

i felt her hand squeeze mine very slightly but i knew i felt it. my eyes widened but when i look at her she still has her eyes closed. she probably twitched or something. i might have been getting ahead of myself.

"i heard what you said last night. i'm a light sleeper and i felt you slightly move. i wanted to tell you i loved you back. i was just afraid you'd get freaked out." i sighed holding her hand slightly tighter letting tears from the corner of my eyes.

"y-you l-love me too?" i heard a raspy voice say. i look back up to my girl and her eyes were fluttering open. i quickly stood up and cupped her cheeks gently.

"you can hear me? oh my god. let me get a nurse." i kissed her head allowing her to adjust to her surroundings. i ran out of the room to the hallway where i called a nurse to come in. the nurse rushes in and takes alex's vitals.

"everything is looking good." the nurse smiled. "i will call the doctor and he will be in here shortly. i will also have someone find the rest of your family for you." she said before closing the door.

i nervously looked at my girlfriend as she had a small smirk on her face. she motioned for me to come towards her scooting over to make space for me on the bed. i saw her face show a pained expression as she tried to move.

"it's okay baby, that's good enough." i whispered walking over to her sitting next to her on the hospital bed. "how are you feeling? oh my god i was so worried alex." i said closing my eyes and wrapping an arm around her.

"i'm okay. my arm and head hurts but i'm okay. i'm sorry corazón. i should've been more careful." she said as her voice was slightly raspy. i quickly get up and head to the side table to get her a cup of water. i find a straw and placed it in the cup.

"here drink some." i say bringing the straw to her lips.

"how long was i out for?" she asked after she drank some water.

"a couple of hours. i've been here since around 5 in the morning." i look over to the clock on the wall. "it's now around noon." i said.

she nodded and stayed silent for a second before looking down at her hands. "wait. so back to my question." she trailed off. "you heard me last night? and you love me too?" she questioned.

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