chapter thirty

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megan's pov:

i ran up the stairs trailing behind alex. i still had tears in my eyes from a couple of minutes ago. i am overwhelmed with emotions. they made me feel so loved and included. i felt so happy knowing that her family took the time to get me something, and at that something i really liked. what made me especially happy was the necklace. it wasn't even about the necklace though. it was about the fact that all of his kids had one and he decided to get me one too.

we entered alex's room and she closes the door behind me. i walk and sit over on her bed.

"which one do you want to open first?" she asks pointing to a pile of gifts she had. it was at least like 8 boxes.

"baby you didn't have to buy so many gifts. i have your gifts at my house by the way i should have brought them." i sighed. she wasn't working right now because of her arm so i told her beforehand that she didn't have to spend money on me.

"it's okay i can wait. but just pick one corazón." she rolled her eyes laughing.

i pointed to the largest box and she smirks. she walks over to it and grabs it handing it to me. i rip off the wrapping paper which revealed a camera. i gasped and looked up at her.

"you did not!" i exclaimed.

"oh i did." she smirked.

i rip off the rest of the wrapping paper and stare at the camera. i had recently mentioned that i really was interested in photography and that i wanted to get a good camera to start taking pictures. it was a new and expensive camera. i knew it was expensive because i was thinking of getting it for myself but never got around to doing so.

after opening almost all the gifts, i was sitting on the bed with a new camera, pair of slippers, pair of sneakers, hoodies, books i had on my wish list, perfume, a matching wallet and purse, and gift cards to some of my favorite places. she probably spent so much money. there was a small box left that she had in her hand but insisted i waited until the end. she sat down on the bed next to me and hands me the box. i unwrap it revealing a small black velvet box. i look up at her and saw her nervously looking at me. i opened it and it reveled the most beautiful ring. it was a gold ring with an green sapphire stone. there were smaller stones all around the larger sapphire stone. it was absolutely beautiful.

"you are not proposing right now right?" i teased with tears in my eyes

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"you are not proposing right now right?" i teased with tears in my eyes.

"no cariño not yet." she laughed but then turned more serious. "i was thinking of all things i could say to you and tried to prepare a small speech, but what i'm about to say comes straight from my heart. since the first time i saw you, something about you pulled me in. you have been so kind to me since the beginning and i cannot thank you enough. when i got into the accident, you were there for me in ways that made my life so much easier. you helped not only me but my dad as well. because of you, he didn't need to take the time off to help me. you've always listened to me and gave me comfort or solutions when i had a problem and needed it. you never fail to constantly show me the love that you have for me and for that, i will be eternally grateful for. you showed me what true love is and what it really means to care for someone. we've created so many amazing memories this past month and i really hope to continue doing so. no, i am not proposing, but i am making a promise to you that i will be here for you always until the day you don't want me to be. but even then, i will always carry you in my heart because you truly changed my life. i love you." she says tears softly falling down her cheeks.

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