chapter twenty eight

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megan's pov:

i sat there, head on alex's chest, letting tears fall from my cheeks. i had never opened up to anyone about what had happened before. i tried to forget about it and move on but for some reason it wasn't that simple. i remember carrying the burden of what had happened to me for a long time until i finally decided to speak up about it. i felt disgusted with myself. i always hated myself for letting it happen, but in the moment all i could feel was shock and fear.

"i'm here for you mi amor." alexandra softly said into my ear.

and i knew that she meant that. alexandra had a way with her words but whenever she said something, she always meant it. it was one of the things i truly admired about her.

i pull away and gave her a soft smile. she lifted her thumb and wiped the tears that collected at the corners of my eyes. she kissed my head gently and smiled.

"i'm here for you too." i reassure. she had mentioned a while ago about something similar happening to her as well. it's sickening to think about how common this really is.

"i know baby." she said. she turned her head to the side and looked into the distance. "hey look." she exclaimed.

i turned my head in the direction she was facing. the sky was still pink and orange but the sun was beginning to set. between the lake, the flowers, and the sunset, it was an amazing view. i remember coming here often with my dad but we never stayed this late. i never got to experience the sunset here so it was both our first time.

"wow. this has got to be one of the most beautiful things i've seen." i gasped.

"it really is." she whispers. i turn to face her but she was already looking at me.

she leans over slightly as i saw her eyes fixated on my lips and her own lips slightly parted. i cut the distance between us and lock my lips with hers. i hear her breath hitch at the contact of my lips on hers. she slightly moans and my desire for her increased. she uses her left hand to hold my waist and bring me on top of her. she laid back on the blanket while i climbed on top of her body, without letting our lips leave each others. she tends to be the one who's more dominant but she was letting me do that right now. i didn't want to pass up on the opportunity.

i let my tongue slip into her mouth and i failed to suppress the whimper that my throat let out. she was intoxicating. her touch, her taste, her smell was mouthwatering and right now i couldn't help but want more. her left hand continued exploring the skin on my waist and ribs. she let her hand slip down to my butt and pulled me into her. as badly as i would have loved to continue, it wasn't the right place to do this, plus i had other plans.

i pulled away and kissed her lips one last time. her eyes were closed and she licked her lips, savoring our kiss.

"i have one more thing for us to do baby. we can pick this up after." i giggled.

she opened her eyes and sat up and nodded. i began to clean up all of the food and packed it away. we folded the blanket and headed back to the car. an idea came to mind so i quickly helped her get in the car and put her seatbelt on before running back to the field of flowers. i picked a couple of flowers and made a small bouquet. i used a small hair tie i had on my wrist to keep them held together. i ran back to the car getting in before giving the flowers to her. her eyes widened and she stared into my eyes.

"aw! these are so beautiful. thank you so much." she takes them and held them against her chest. she turns back to me and leans in to leave a small peck on my lips.

i drive on and had one last plan for her. it was starting to get dark really quick. since it was winter, it already got dark around 5. my dad had some connections that were useful so when i was planning the date, this immediately came to mind. it was about 30 minutes away from the lake back towards the city. as i was driving, i held onto my girls thigh as she cuddled against my arm. not even 10 minutes into the car ride, i heard her soft breathing and i noticed she was asleep. i tried my best not to move so i wouldn't wake her. i felt good knowing she felt comfortable enough to sleep with me being around, especially in a car.

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