chapter thirty four

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megan's pov:

i was having a hard time trying to fall asleep. part of me was excited for tomorrow, but another part had been worried about how it would all go.

i made sure to carefully explain to my parents to not being up anything about alex's mom and that her dad spoke english to a good extent but may have some issues with some words. the assured me that everything was going to be okay and told me not to worry.

my parents have never been the most accepting type. they can be judgmental at times. when i mean my parents, i mean my mom.

i laid awake on my back staring at my ceiling. it was about 1 am and i couldn't bring myself to fall asleep. something was keeping me up and i wasn't sure if it was the anxiety of how tomorrow would go or if it was something else.

i decided not to think about it too much and get rest. alex and her family weren't coming over until 6 pm but i wanted to get coffee with daniel tomorrow morning. he had said he wanted to hang out for a little before we both had our own plans with our girlfriends.


the next morning was hectic. ryan was running around the house playing while some of the housekeepers were cleaning the house. the main chef brought along 2 other cooks to help him with preparing food for tonight.

i saw my mother reorganizing the house and adding some decorations around the house. she always left this part up to her since she was an interior designer. everything had to meet up to her expectations and the only person who could do that best was herself. i couldn't even organize my own room the way i wanted to because my mother insisted it would ruin the whole aesthetic of the house if i didn't have it her way.

i got dressed and ready before hopping into the car and sending a text to daniel that i would be on my way to the cafe.

i truly loved this place. we had been coming here since high school. when it was just us two, we would come here everyday after school. when juliet came around, we quickly became a trio and hung out here often.

i was sitting at a booth waiting for daniel to arrive when i look up and see the girl that is in love with my girlfriend. she had already been looking at me when we met eyes. she quickly walks over to the table and pulls out a notebook and pen.

"hi. can i get you anything?" she asks in a rather monotone manner.

"no thanks i am waiting for someone." i say politely. she nods and turns around heading back to the counter.

i looked out the window to see it was starting to rain. it had been cloudy all morning but i hadn't expected it to start raining. i should've known. seconds later, i see daniel run in with his hood over his head and taking his coat off when he steps inside. he spots me and makes his way over before sliding into the booth across from me.

"hey meggy. how are you?" he smiles.

"i'm good! how are you?"

"eh you know. just been chillin." he laughs. "did you order already?" he asks.

"no. alex's admirer came over here not too long ago trying to take my order but i thought i'd wait." i answered.

we finally ordered and began to talk about how our week had gone. he asked me how alex was and if i had anything new going on.

we spent a good amount of time talking and laughing before deciding to call it a day. it was nearing noon and i knew he had to go soon. he had plans with samantha's family so he could not be late. before we left, i decided to use the restroom really quick before leaving.

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