chapter twenty five

460 17 15

alexandra's pov:

tw/ homophobia

i looked down and saw my girl with her lips glistening and her hair slightly messy. i wanted to do the same for her so i try and quickly get up. she notices me trying and gently pushes me back down.

"it's okay baby." she kisses my forehead and helps me put my pants back on. she sits next to me and turns the tv on.

"hey about our date friday..." i trailed off unsure of how to go about the conversation.

"did you still feel up to it? we can push it back if you'd like." she suggested.

"no i want to. it's just that i have this cast and i'm sure it will get in the way of things." i sighed.

she turns and cups my face as we lock eyes. "don't even start! that doesn't matter baby. what i had in mind won't even require you to use that arm." she reassured.

i thought about it for a second. it would be nice to still go out with her. i was just insecure about the whole cast thing.

"okay if you still want to, i'd be happy to go." i gave in. she smiled and hugged me.

"i have everything all planned out." she exclaimed.

we put on a random movie and she guided me to lay my head on her lap. i was laying on my left arm so that my right one was elevated. she began playing with my hair as we watched the movie and i had never felt more comfortable in my life.

"hey what are your plans for christmas? it's this sunday coming up right?" i ask halfway during the movie.

"yeah christmas lands on sunday. i'm not really sure though. my parents always get us gifts and what not but we hardly really celebrate it. my parents usually just has the chefs cook a fancy breakfast on christmas day." she shrugged.

"do you guys do anything christmas eve?" i questioned.

"no we just celebrate christmas day." she replied. "what are your plans?" she questioned.

"mexicans tend to celebrate christmas eve, not christmas day." i laughed. "we are just going to make some food here at the house and watch movies like usual. i wanted to ask if you'd like to come over." i smiled.

"really? your family won't mind?" she asked while still stroking my hair.

"of course not mi amor. please come over." i begged.

"okay! i'll tell my parents about it. maybe if you don't do anything christmas day you can come over to my house." she beamed. i nodded and smiled.

we watched a movie and it was now about 2 pm. my dad didn't get out of work until 4 and usually got here around 4:30 so we had a little bit of time before he'd get here and megan would go home.

"hey" she says looking up at me while her head was in my lap. "did you want me to help you shower or do you think you got it?" she asked.

i thought for a second and wanted to do it on my own. it frustrated me to ask for help but i knew i wouldn't do it right.

"could you help me." i sighed.

she nodded and looked at me. i knew she knew what i was thinking. "hey it's okay that you need help. you aren't bothering me." she reassured.

i nodded and gave her a small smile. last night i had a nightmare about the accident. i didn't want to tell megan because i didn't want to worry her. i promised myself that if it happened again, i would tell her. she got up off of the couch and stuck her hand out to help me up. we went upstairs into my room and i sat on the bed as she picked out the clothes i was going to wear.

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