chapter thirty nine

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alexandra's pov:

i looked into megan's dark eyes which were filled with desire. she swiftly sat on the bed and lifted the dress off of her. i was left with my mouth agape incredulously. she was wearing a red lace lingerie set. her light toned skin looked so good in red. her beautiful blonde hair fell down her shoulders making her look absolutely stunning.

she laid back down with ease and motioned me to come closer. i hesitantly obliged and gently pulled my panties off before straddling her torso. she placed her cool hands on my hips encouraging me to move closer to her head. finally, i had my thighs surrounding both sides of her face. i hesitated on moving down onto her. i was concerned i would suffocate her but that seemed to be the least of her worries.

she locked her arms onto my hips and gently brought me closer to her face. soon enough, i felt a shock flow through my body as i felt her tongue flick against my clit. i clutched onto the headboard as i completely surrendered myself to her.

she moved her skillful tongue against me letting guttural moans leave my body. she hummed in satisfaction and increased the pace of her tongue. in search for more pleasure, my hips began moving against her face instinctively. i could feel myself come closer to the brink of release.

"fuck mi amor you're so good." i whined as my hips continued grinding against her face.

in response, she grabbed onto my ass and moved my hips faster against her. my whines and moans came out a lot louder and faster as i felt myself getting closer. as i was about to cross the finish line of pleasure, she raised me off of her and in a swift motion i fell backwards onto the bed.

"not so fast." she said getting on top of me.

she trailed kisses from my stomach up between my breasts until she reached my neck. i grew frustrated from not have been given a release but with her touch i felt utterly satisfied. she leaned upwards towards my ear eliciting a shock down my spine. "be a good girl. turn around and get on your knees."

seeking more pleasure, i quickly and quietly obeyed. seeing megan become more dominant towards me made me feel even more aroused. as i was finally in the position she had requested, i felt her bend over me place a hand in between us, her fingers instantly found the inside of me. she curled them and pumped them inside of me rapidly. she carefully pulled my hair to one side of my head, granting her access to my neck. she left small kisses on my neck while also sucking ever so slightly. i couldn't resist the waves of pleasure as they finally rushed over me. i felt my body succumb to the pleasure she had given me.

my body fell limp against the bed as i felt megan straddle my back. her smooth and soft hands massaged my back as she also caressed my skin with her delicate fingers.

"you're so beautiful." she whispered into the air holding genuine affection for me as she kissed the top of my head.

i turned my head to face her and her eyes filled with admiration. megan was the most beautiful person i have ever met and it meant the world to hear that from her and experience life with her.

"you're even more beautiful baby." i whispered while reaching for her hand and leaving a gentle kiss on it.

as she began to get off of me and get off of the bed,
i looked at her with confusion. did she think i wasn't going to reciprocate the pleasure back? i swiftly moved off the bed and gently pushed her against the wall.

"what are you doing?" she lightly whispered.

i stared into her eyes as i reached my arm back and unclasped her red lacy bra. i would have ripped it off of her but seemed quite pricey. the bra effortlessly fell off of her shoulders revealing her round perky breasts. i slowly kissed her jaw and down to her breasts. leaving a trail of soft kisses on her perfect skin. i engulfed one of her breasts into my mouth using my good hand to massage the other. i looked up into her eyes finding the same burning passion i saw just minutes before.

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