chapter fifteen

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megan's pov:

"tell me everything right now." daniel said. i had invited him to come over after alexandra dropped me off. i needed to tell him about what happened last night. daniel and i always told each other everything. we sat on the floor with our backs resting against my bed.

"okay so, don't freak out at what i'm about to say." i look at him nervously waiting for him to nod. he turns to me confused before rolling his eyes and nodding to continue.

"we had sex." i said quietly.

"you're fucking kidding me. say you're lying!" daniel says with a huge grin on his face and began slapping my arm.

"why would i lie?" i ask smiling looking down at my fingers. he punches my arm and stands up.

"oh my god. i'm so happy for you meg! you finally found someone." he exclaimed. he stood for a second thinking before asking. "wait, so are you together? like is she your girlfriend or what? wait also didn't she have a boyfriend?" he asked confused starting to put two and two together.

i explained to him what had happened at the party yesterday when we hung out. it had came up in conversation when we were at the cafe but i also explained how she invited me over and how we talked about that girl from that worked at the coffee shop. i decided to spare him the details of what happened last night even though he insisted i tell him, but we just laughed it off. i also mentioned how we had a date planned for friday.

"danny i don't know what to wear please help me." i say while standing in my walk in closet. my room was pretty big and my closet was also huge. my parents always bought us clothes we didn't want or need. half of the things in here i probably haven't even wore yet.

"let me call sam over. she will know what to do." he says picking up his phone before calling his girlfriend.

after literally like 15 minutes, sam arrives and walks into my room. i was impressed at how quickly she had gotten here but for some reason wasn't surprised.

"i know the date is literally in like 4 days but she said to wear something fancy. i wonder where she's taking me. i want to wear something elegant but not too much." i say as samantha is browsing my closet with a shocked expression.

"i would kill to have a closet like this dude." she exclaims before picking out a few dresses. "okay let's try these on. show us them and we can help you decide" she says pushing a pile of dresses in my arms and nudging me towards the bathroom.

once in the bathroom, i slip into a long black dress that had practically my whole back exposed. the dress was held up by a strap that went around my neck. once i finish putting the dress on, i walked out of the bathroom to find sam on top of daniel making out.

"guys. i'm gone for not even 2 minutes and you're already making out on my bed." i say and they break apart quickly.

"sorry meg. anyways wow! you look great." daniel smiles and samantha nods in agreement.

"hmmm this one's good but try the other ones first. how do you feel about it?" samantha asks.

"it's nice but my back is all exposed." i turn and show them. we decided to keep trying others on.

i go back into the bathroom and try on a silk sage green dress that reached the floor with a slit on the side. the fabric sat across my chest falling off of my shoulders. sweetheart neckline that made my collarbone and neck more exposed.

i walk out and samantha is smiling and motioning for me to do a spin. i roll my eyes before listening and spinning in a circle.

"what do you guys think?" i ask.

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