chapter ten

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alexandra's pov:

i don't know what got into me. for the past few days all i could think about was how she would taste like if kissed her. all i can say is that it was better than what i could possibly imagine. i never felt like that when i kissed jackson. i never felt that feeling down there when we would do something as simple as kissing. i had to pull back before it became something more.

"i'm sorry if i did something wrong" megan finally speaks as i was still thinking.

"oh no. oh my god no you didn't sorry. i'm sorry for just springing onto you like that. i probably shouldn't have done that." i reply while making eye contact to show i was sorry.

"it's not your fault." she replies sheepishly. "i'm glad you did." she says slightly quieter while still making intense eye contact.

my phone began buzzing multiple times in a row. i go to pick it up and look at megan for some sort of permission to look at it. this was something i had developed with jackson. she looked at me slightly confused before nodding.

i had multiple missed calls from natalie and texts asking me if i made it home safe. throughout the night i had given her my phone number so that we could hang out in the future. she gave me hers on the coffee cup but i never saved it. i also had one from my dad that told me i had to get home soon. that's when i realized it was already 1:30 am.

"i'm so sorry but i think i have to go. i'll drop you off first and then i'll go home." i say while putting my phone down then putting my seatbelt on.

"of course. i should probably get home too. my parents probably will be mad." she puts her seatbelt on as well and i make my way to her house.

the car ride is quiet. it seems we are both consumed in our own thoughts. when i turn to look at her she's staring out of the window and her leg was bouncing. in attempts to calm her, i move my right hand to her leg and laid it on there gently. she gave me a small smile and stopped bouncing her leg before placing one of her hands over mine. the rest of the car ride to her house, i left my hand there with hers on top of mine.

when we arrived to her house, i still cannot get over how huge it is. i finally look away from it and look in her eyes.

"megan. i just wanted to say thank you for today. you were the last person i expected to show up but i cannot be more grateful that you did." i said while feeling my face blush.

"you're welcome. i didn't want to go to the party but i'm so glad i did. but alexandra, i know you have a lot going on right now but what does the kiss mean?" she asks sort of hesitantly.

"i know i just got out of a relationship, but you make me feel things that i never have. i want to get to know you more. you have been on my mind for days." i replied honestly. i wanted her to know that this wasn't just because i was being vulnerable with her.

she smiled and let go of her breath that she was holding. "i have been thinking about you too. i would really like to get to know you more as well. is there a chance i can get your number?" she asks.

after exchanging contact information, i hugged her goodbye and watched her begin to walk away before she turns around and runs back to the car. i lower the window down to hear what she's gonna say.

"hey can you text me when you get home? i wanna make sure you get there safe." she asks and smiles.

"i will text you when i get home." i smile and wave before she walks back into her house and shuts the door. i finally pull away from the house and make my way home. the whole way i'm thinking about what the hell just happened. something about the way she was holding me and how close i was to her made me feel some type of way. she smelled so good and looked amazing too. i wish this didn't happen under these circumstances but i couldn't be happier that it happened.

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