chapter four

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megan's pov:

i just got off the phone with my mother. she refuses to pick me up considering our argument from this morning. the bus had been delayed due to the weather and i've been sitting here for about an hour waiting. i had just wanted to come to buy a book and spend some time away from home. i hated being there.

i put my head in my hands and sigh out of frustration. suddenly, i felt the bench move. i look up to notice the girl that had been living in my head for the past day. she was also drenched from the rain and had a small smile displayed on her beautiful face.

"are you okay?" she hesitantly asked after what felt was hours of staring into each others eyes.

"yeah it's just the bus has been delayed and it's pouring rain and my mother refuses to come pick me up so now i probably have to walk home which is like an hour walk probably." i began to ramble feeling my hands sweat out of nervousness.

there was silence for a couple of seconds and i turned to look over at her. she bit her lip softly and seemed to be internally debating something until she finally spoke.

"i could give you a ride if you'd like." she says sheepishly and i notice her cheeks redden.

i was shocked she even offered. i hesitated a little considering i didn't want to be a bother to her but again she did offer.

"i don't wanna bother you. i'm sure you have better things to do." i said offering a small smile.

"oh no i don't have anything better to do at all. plus i want to. i can't just leave you here like this. it's better for me if i know you got home safe." she said standing up motioning me to go along with her.

"okay. thank you so much i really appreciate it." i stood with her smiling as i felt my face heat up. she cared that i got home safely. the thought of that made my smile widen even more.

we walk side by side for a while as we approach her car which was parked in front of a small coffee shop. i've been there before. i actually come here often with daniel. i wonder what she was doing and why she ended up all the way at the bus stop when she had a car.

she unlocks the car and opens the door for me. i stood surprised she even offered to open the door for me and got in looking down avoiding her seeing my face which was probably as red as a tomato.

she closed the door for me and shuffles over to the other side and hops in the drivers seat. she turned the car on and turned the heater on to it's max. we waited for a couple of minutes in silence as the car warmed up. the quietness between us was sort of comforting.

"so where do you live?" she asked breaking the silence.

"it's near the train station. if you head over there i'll tell you where to turn to make it more simple." i said as she started to drive off.

she turns the radio on and i hear one of my favorite songs by radiohead. i start humming the tune and she turns looking at me surprised.

"you listen to radiohead?" she smiles half surprised and shocked.

"yeah it's one of my favorite artists along with arctic monkeys, the smiths, deftones, lana del rey, clairo-" i began to ramble. music was one of my favorite things to talk about but i did not want to overwhelm her with all of my talking.

i turn to look at her and she has a smile plastered on her face that manages to reach her eyes. there was a glint in her eyes that left me in complete awe.

"i love all of those artists as well. it's hard to find people who i can talk to about things like this." she chuckles and faces forward to keep her eyes on the road.

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