chapter twenty seven

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alexandra's pov:

tw: sexual assault

i told megan i'd be okay and she started walking quickly to the bathroom. i stood and looked at the menu until i saw a familiar someone. natalie smiled at me and walks in from the back room. she got a better view of me and her smile disappeared.

"woah. what happened to you? are you okay?" natalie's eyes widened.

"yeah it's okay i'm okay. i got in a car accident." i shrugged.

"holy shit are you okay? i'm sorry i wish i knew i would have came over to see you." she walks from behind the counter and hugged me.

"it's okay don't worry. i'm okay." i used my one functioning arm to hug her back.

i heard someone clear their throat behind us. oh shit.

i pull away from the hug and see megan standing with a larger smile than i expected.

"hey natalie, this is my girlfriend megan." i smiled. natalie's eyes widened for a quick second and returned to her normal expression. i caught it. she stuck her hand out for megan.

"hi megan it's nice to meet you. i'm alex's friend." megan takes her hand and shakes it firmly.

"it's nice to meet you too." my girl smiles widely and takes a hold of my waist.

"i have to go clean the tables back there but it was nice to see you alex. i hope you get better and we should hangout soon." natalie suggested. i smiled in response and waved goodbye.

after we got our coffee we decided to walk down the street passing all the little stores.

"your friend seems nice." megan says randomly.

"yeah i don't know if you remember her. i was with her at the party." i replied.

"yeah i remember i saw her with you at the party and when you guys hung out." she said. "so you guys are close?" she asked.

"not really. i met her at the cafe actually. she um actually tried to hit on me but i rejected her, told her i rather be friends. once we started to get to know each other, i thought to just keep my distance out of respect." i mentioned.

"oh." i saw her smile. she tried to hide it but i caught it.

"she's pretty." she added.

"oh so now you think she's pretty?" i raised an eyebrow.

"yes but not as much as you obviously." she hesitantly said.

"mhm. anyways i want you to meet some of my favorite people." i smiled as we approached the bookshop. i grabbed her hand and guided her inside.

"give me a second." i hear mr.smith call from the back.

megan looks around in awe of all of the books. i see both mr.smith and mrs.smith come out from the back.

"alex darling! how are you? oh no what happened?" mrs. smith asks walking towards me with arms opened.

i go and hug her feeling immediately comforted. i really loved being around them. mr. smith follows and gives me a hug as well. megan stood behind me the whole time.

"i got in a car accident." i sighed.

"i am so sorry to hear that sweetheart. i am glad you are okay." mr. smith said grabbing onto my shoulder. "and who is this young lady. wait i remember you." he says and i step aside for her to come into view.

"this is my girlfriend megan." i smile proudly. she reaches her hand out.

"it's so nice to formally meet you. alex says nothing but good things about you guys." my girl smiled and shook both of their hands.

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