chapter eleven

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megan's pov:

i stare out of the window trying to hide how red my face is. i only asked if this was a date just to tease her but now i'm not sure if she's for real about it. i don't mind though. she treats me so kindly and with respect that i know she planned this very well.

"how was your day?" she asks breaking the silence. i turn to look over at her and she's concentrating on the road.

"it was not too good. i just spent most of it hiding in my room studying for my finals. but i can definitely say it's way better now." i said smiling.

she turns over and looks at me with a wide grin on her face. "i'm glad. my day is way better now too." she says and turns back to face the road.

"what did you do today?" i ask back curiously.

"i worked a 6 hour shift. it was pretty terrible actually." she laughs.

"where do you work at?"

"i work at the diner near your house as a server." she replies.

i know exactly which one she's talking about. my family and i used to go every sunday after church when we were younger. once my sister moved out and my mom started to argue with me more often, we stopped going.

we made a little more small talk before arriving to the theatre. it wasn't too far away from my house. it was more downtown, probably 20 minutes away. we park in the parking lot and she gets out the car before i even begin to unbuckle my seatbelt and comes to open the door for me. she holds her hand out for me and i take it feeling her colder skin against my warm hand. i get out of the car and she closes the door and we make our way inside.

"that will be 20 dollars miss." the worker tells us as we are purchasing our tickets.

i pull my wallet out and grab my card before i see alexandra's hand lower my wallet down.

"i invited you out, that means i pay." she smiles and hands the worker the money.

i smile and thank her. we buy snacks and again she pays for it all. as we walk to our seats, i notice the theater is not too crowded. it was not completely empty but it also was not full. we walk up the stairs to the top row and make our way to the middle seats. we sit down and i immediately realize these are the luxury seats that recline and have a seat warmer. pretty fancy.

the movie finally begins and i can't help but to glance over at her every couple of minutes. from the corner of my eye i catch her doing the same as well and i cannot help but smile. we ended up choosing to watch a horror film. i don't really like them. i get scared easily but i didn't want to tell her that. she seemed to really enjoy them so i decided i'd watch it to make her happy.

a jump scare leaves me to jump in my seat and i feel alexandra's hand grab my thigh.

she leans in towards my ear. i feel my breath hitch when i feel her breath hit my neck."i'm sorry i didn't realize you get scared easily. do you want to leave?" she whispered.

i shake my head and she gave me a small smile before moving back. she lets go of my thigh and moves the arm rest that was separating me and her up, allowing me to move closer to her. instinctively, i move close to her as she wraps her arm around me. i lean more into her and we continue to watch the movie. i feel her arm rest on my shoulder as her thumb rubs circles on my arm.

my mind instantly wonders off to the thought of her cold hands touching my exposed skin. laying so close to her allowed me to take in her scent that i've been beginning to become familiar with. she smelled like lavender mixed with vanilla. she smelled so good and i wasn't sure if it was her natural scent or if it was a perfume. whatever it was smelled amazing.

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