chapter nineteen

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megan's pov:

yesterday had been rough. i didn't exactly give the full details to alex since i didn't want to worry her. when my mother called me in the morning, she demanded that i go home right away.

when i arrived, michael was standing by the door with a slightly guilty look on his face.

"what's going on?" i asked.

"mom is mad that you didn't tell her where you were going. she got worried and asked me if i know who it could be and i told her it might be that girl i saw you with." he says looking down.

"why would you say anything. she's gonna be so mad. you already know how she is!" i scoffed.

"MEGAN! get in here!" my mother yelled. the sound came from my dad's office so i made my way upstairs. when i got inside i see my father sitting in his chair and my mother standing next to him.

"sit down." my father said sternly.

i quickly obliged and waited for them to continue.

"why did you lie to us about where you were going?" my father asked calmly. he always was the good cop to my mom's bad cop.

"i didn't think you'd let me go if i told you the truth."

"you're damn right we wouldn't have." my mom interrupts. my dad put an arm on her back and she quickly calmed down.

"we could have talked about it. who were you out with?" my dad asked.

"a friend."

"what friend? i know you are only really friends with daniel and his girlfriend." he says.

"it's a new friend. from school." i respond simply.

"i'd love to meet her. bring her to dinner tonight." he smiles. i turn to look at my mother and she looks pissed off.

"we don't have to dad. she might be busy." i offer.

"i insist. if you're gonna be hanging out with her, i'd like to get to know her." he retorts.

"okay i'll let her know then." i huffed.

last night when i called her, i didn't find the right time to tell her. this morning i managed to call her and let her know about my father's wish to invite her to dinner. i could easily tell she was nervous but she ended up agreeing. i told her what time and she said she would be there. we also still planned to go to the cafe after church so she could formally meet daniel.

mass went by fairly quickly as i had other things on my mind, more specifically someone. daniel came to church and he also brought samantha along so she could also meet alex after.

"come on meg let's go. is alexandra still meeting us at the cafe?" daniel says pulling me out of the church towards his car.

i look down at my phone and notice a text from alexandra. "yeah she said she's already there."

when we had arrived to the cafe, i took a look around to notice my beautiful dark curly haired girlfriend at a table... talking to some girl? not just some girl, the girl who works here. the one that she hung out with the other day.

i saw her smile and laugh at something she said before finally locking eyes with me. she tells the girl something and she turns around to look at me. she gave me a smile before turning back at my girlfriend to say goodbye and walk away.

i make my way over and alexandra is smiling. she gets up and pulls me into a hug and kisses me.

"sorry, i just have been wanting to do that since you walked in." she giggles.

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