chapter thirty three

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alexandra's pov:

i pushed megan into a stall and locked it.

"alex... what are we doing?" she whispered.

i locked the stall door and lightly pushed her against the wall. my lips crashed onto hers and she didn't hesitate in kissing me back. within seconds, one of her hands was in my hair while the other gripped my waist. i let my tongue explore the inside of her mouth and heard her softly moan. i instantly pull away seeing her leaning against the wall with red cheeks and swollen lips.

"we should go back." i smirked and started to walk out of the stall.

"alex what the hell. how are you just going to leave me like that." she whisper-yells as we walk out of the bathroom.

"i just wanted you to know how much i want you. obviously i can see you feel the same way." i said teasingly.

we made it back to the table with sam and daniel. i really like both of them. ever since we had initially met at the party, i could tell they seemed really fun to be around. plus, megan absolutely adores and cares for them. we spent a couple of hours hanging out with them before i had to take megan back home. we had all planned to hang out this week coming up. we weren't exactly sure of what we would do but i'm sure it didn't matter as long as we were all together.

i was still in complete shock about the car. i knew megan had money but i didn't know it was this much. this was practically a brand new car and she spent it willingly after only really being together for a month. it still amazed me how close we had gotten in such a short amount of time. i parked the car in front of the gates of her house and turned to face her.

"hey i had a question but i don't want you to take it the wrong way." i said hesitantly.

"yeah of course what's up?" she turned and looked at me curiously.

"do you think that we took things to quickly? like do you think we moved to fast?" i doubted.

she looked at me and grabbed my hands. it was silent for a moment as i feel she was trying to figure out the right thing to say.

"i've never actually been in a relationship. there was this one time where it came close to it but it ended up not working out. it caused me a lot of pain but i had to move on. i wouldn't exactly know how fast this should go or what exactly is the right timeline for a relationship. but i do know that my feelings for you are very real and i have always meant everything i've said to you. i do love you in the best way i know how to." she sighed and gave me a small smile.

"i hate to bring him up but when i was with jackson, we talked for at least a good month before he even tried to ask me out on a date. i was just overthinking things. i thought that maybe you might have felt this was moving too quickly and i didn't want that. i was very surprised myself at how quickly i developed feelings for you." i admitted.

"what i'm trying to say is that i wanted you to tell me if you felt things were moving too quickly because if they were we could slow down. if not then that's okay too because like i said i do love you. and i agree with you. i thought i knew what love was before, but i think you've given me a better perspective and you've made me feel things i've never felt with anyone else." i added on.

megan smiled and squeezed my hands. "i love you too. it's still a little crazy for me to admit it. we love each other in the way we best know how to and that's important. we can continue growing together and figuring things out for ourselves. " she leans forward and rests her head on my forehead.

"this is actually kind of crazy that we are talking about this right now because i was just thinking about this earlier." she laughed.

"i had also been thinking about it for some time now but i wanted to bring it up in the best way and choose the best words." i said softly.

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