chapter thirteen

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megan's pov:

warning: mature content

i laid on my bed with my phone in my hands. alexandra had texted me asking what i was doing but i couldn't bring myself to answer. when i saw her leave with that girl from the café, i instantly felt so jealous that i couldn't even bare to look at her when she was leaving. i knew she was waiting for me to look at her but i didn't turn to face her.

i watched as they made their way to the car. i noticed how she didn't open the door for her. that brought a slight smile to my face. everytime me and alexandra were together, she'd always open the door for me no matter what. knowing she didn't do that to this girl made the jealousy slightly go away. i don't even understand why i was jealous. it's not like we were actually together.

i turn my phone off and decided to take a shower. as i'm standing under the water, thoughts of alexandra resurfaced. the feeling of the water run down my skin made me imagine they were alexandra's hands. the way she moaned in my mouth when i took a hold on her waist and kissed her neck made me instantly become wet. before i realize it, my hand is in between my legs drawing circles around my clit.

i quicken my pace and lean against the shower wall still letting the warm water hit my skin. i imagine her being the one here who had her hands on me. i feel my fingers getting more and more wet, not from water. my pace quickens even more as i feel myself come to my peak. i bit my lip as i feel the orgasm rush over me leaving me to feel complete bliss.

i quickly finish the rest of my shower before getting out and getting ready for bed.

i pick up my phone off of the night stand and decide to open the message again.

alexandra: hey what are you up to?

i finally just get the urge to respond to see what she wants.

megan: just got out of the shower. you?

she responds almost immediately. i had took at least an hour to respond from when she initially texted me so i was surprised she answered so quickly.

alexandra: nothing much just wanted to see if we could hang out

megan: it's kind of late... i also need to finish studying. maybe some other time sorry.

alexandra: yeah no worries.

i instantly feel guilty for declining to hang out. i decided to open the message again and ask her for her address. for some reason she sent it to me without questioning it. my mom would most likely not let me go out this late. i decide to just sneak out of my bedroom window. my window was right above the garage so i was able to jump down onto the roof of it making it a lower jump from the garage roof to the ground.

i grabbed a hoodie and my wallet before putting pillows under my sheets. i doubt this will work if they do come in my room but it's worth a shot. i put my shoes on and walk over to my window. i open it feeling the cold breeze enter my room immediately. i climb out quickly shutting the window again before jumping on the roof of the garage. after that i jumped down to the driveway of my house.

i look at my phone and out the address into my maps. it was about a 30 minute walk. if i walked fast i could probably make it in 20. i quickly remember that my brother had a bicycle at the side of the house. i opened the side gate and grabbed it before getting on the bike and pedaling to alexandra's house.

i arrive in 15 minutes. i didn't tell her i was coming over but i'm sure she could assume because i asked for her address. i quickly see that all the lights in the house are off so i sent her a quick text asking if she could come outside.

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