chapter sixteen

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alexandra's pov:

it was now friday morning. the week went by smoothly. i had picked up extra shifts at the diner since i had more free time. i thought if i'd pick up more shifts, i'd be able to get more money to make tonight really special. picking up more shifts meant that i hadn't been able to see megan since we went home together tuesday after classes. everything was prepared for tonight. megan deserved everything and more.

i had some last minute errands to run. i had to go to the local flower shop to pick up a bouquet i had placed an order for. i was able to figure out what her favorite flower was when i noticed her wallpaper. it was a picture of a field of daisies and her water bottle had stickers of them on it. i also wanted to get some coffee at the cafe for me and these pastries for megan that i noticed she'd order every time i saw her and her friend there.

i woke up quite early today. the sun was out and it was surprisingly not raining. the whole week it had been raining but today i got lucky it seems like. i told megan i would pick her up at 6 pm. it was now currently 11 am and i was on my way to the cafe. when i arrived, i luckily found parking in front of the cafe. i turn the engine off and get out the car before locking it. upon opening the door to the cafe, i hear the bell ring allowing one of the baristas to greet me.

"well hey stranger." a voice from behind startles me. i turn around and find myself face to face with natalie. it looked like she had just finished wiping some tables down.

"hey! how are you?" i ask her as she begins to get closer to hug me. i hug her back before she walks behind the counter.

"i'm doing okay. just trying to keep busy during the winter break. what about you?" she smiles softly.

"i'm doing pretty good too. also working a little more now that i have more free time." i smile back.

"that's good! so what can i get for you?" she asks playfully smirking as she already knows the answers.

"you know my order." i smirk back.

"i put you on to this. you should thank me. i know it changed your life." she laughs as she writes my name on a cup handing it to another barista.

"i know it actually did. thank you because it's my favorite thing now." i say pulling my wallet out.

"um- put that away. this is on me." she types some code into the register and the total came out to be free.

"thank you nat." i softly say. "oh shoot wait can i get 4 of your chocolate croissants? i'll actually pay for that." i say pulling out a bill from my wallet.

"coming right up." she says before heading to grab them and placing them in a box. she hands me the box and the chai latte.

"thank you! i really appreciate it." i say as she hands me my change.

"no problem we should hang out again soon."

"we should. text me and we can figure something out." i say as i walk out the door waving at her.

i quickly made my way to the car placing the box of pastries in the passenger seat and turning the ignition on before heading to the flower shop. luckily, it was down the street next to mr. and mrs. smith's bookstore. the weather is still nice. the sun is out and it's not too cold. after this, the last thing i needed to do was to head to the diner to pick up my paycheck. i finally arrive at the flower shop and park in front. my last 2 quarters will have to do for parking.

the bell chimes as i enter the shop and i'm greeted with the fresh smell of flowers. the store was filled with tons of different kinds of flowers.

"hello! how can i help you?" an older woman says as she walks out of the back room.

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