chapter eight

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alexandra's pov:

i've been waiting at my front door for jackson. he texted me over 30 minutes ago saying he would be on his way soon. i told him i could drive but he insisted he'd pick me up. i didn't plan on drinking and i know he did. suddenly my phone buzzes.

jackson: hey alex i am so sorry i'm taking a couple of friends. can you meet me there? i'll send you the address.

i should've known.

i pick up the keys from my counter and lock my front door before making my way to the car. i hate how he always does this. he says he's going to do something nice for me and last minute he changes plans. there are days where he says he wants to take me out on a date and when the day comes he gets busy and apologizes profusely. his apologies mean nothing to me anymore.

the windshield wipers are wiping the rain droplets off of the glass. i was lucky enough to bring a pretty decent jacket to avoid getting sick. i had on a black skirt with a black lace long sleeve shirt with a simple black jean jacket to go on top. the party isn't too far away. it's near the local community college that jackson goes to.

when i arrive, i see tons of cars parked along the street and you can hear the music blasting even from a block away. people are standing in the front of the house with red solo cups filled with who knows what. there's people dancing and random people making out in the corners. as i step inside the house, it's filled with people dancing on each other so closely that they are practically dry humping each other. there was barely any space to make my way to find jackson.

i finally was able to make my way through the crowd of people in the house to the backyard. it was actually a big house. there were people outside playing beer pong and people swimming in the pool. as i look around the backyard i finally spot jackson with some guys playing beer pong. one of his friends said something in his ear which made him turn around and walk towards me.

"hey babe ive been waiting for you." he says grabbing a hold on my hips to steady himself. i can smell the beer coming from him. he tries to lean in for a kiss but i turn my head slightly allowing him to kiss my cheek instead.

"hi. how much have you had to drink. you're driving remember jackson?" i say already irritated not even being at this party for 5 minutes.

"you need to relax. i didn't even drink that much. stop being such a bitch." he says the last part loudly as he rolls his eyes and begins to stumble away back to the game. it seemed the crowd instantly got quieter after he said that leaving me to feel completely stupid.

i stomped away leaving him to get myself a drink.

i'm in the kitchen pouring myself a cup of vodka with some mixer when i feel someone lean in towards my ear.

"i knew i recognized you. you're kind of hard to miss." they pull away leaving me face to face with the girl from the cafe, natalie.

she's staring at me with her dark eyes and her lips are slightly parted.

i lean in towards her ear. "i'm glad to see one familiar face. my boyfriend brought me here but he's to busy getting drunk with his friends." i say, my eyes slightly watery.

she immediately grabs a hold of my hand and drags me across the kitchen to stairs that lead to the upper part of the house. once we get to the top she pulls on one of the handles to check if it was open. the first door was locked so we continued our way down the hall to another door. this one was open and she took me inside.

i look around the room confused why she brought me up here. i began to feel slightly nervous.

"hey are you okay? i only wanted to find somewhere slightly quieter to see if you wanted to talk about it. you seemed a little upset which made me want to go talk to you." she finally said sitting on this random persons bed.

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