chapter three

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alexandra's pov:

"did you hear anything i just said?" jackson looks at me with what seems to be anger and a bit of concern.

"sorry i just zoned out what were you saying."

"nothing nevermind. you seem to always zone out when you're with me now."

"it's not that, i'm just stressed with school. some of my classes i have a C in and i really need to get my grade up to be considered for the nursing program."

"you still want to do that?" he asked confused.

"jackson. it's what i've wanted to do since i was younger? you know this." i stop staring at the tv and stared into his eyes.

"i just thought you'd give up that dream considering it's too hard to get in and you haven't been so good with your grades." he says looking away from me.

"you know what, i think it's best if you go. i have some homework to do." i get up walking to my front door.

"yeah i have better things to do right now anyways." he walks out the door. i slam the door shut holding tears back as i furiously walk into my room.

laying face down on the bed i let those tears fall. i've always been supportive to jackson. he dreams of becoming a real estate agent and owning multiple properties. i've always helped support his dream when no one else did. i just expected a bit of support as well with my own desires.

after sulking for who knows how long, i make my way into my bathroom and turn the shower on. sitting on the toilet i reflect back onto my whole day and how i could not help think of the mystery girl.

i find myself smiling and immediately shaking my head. why is she constantly on my mind? this is wrong. i'm in a relationship.

i take a long hot shower to avoid getting into my head. once i'm done, i change and make my way back to my bed. i feel my eyes getting heavy and i soon drift off to sleep.


the sunlight was beaming through the blinds. the brightness itself made me believe it was already later in the day. it was saturday and i had no plans. i rolled out of bed reaching over to my nightstand for my phone. i picked it up and noticed no new notifications. the time read 11:46. not too late but also not as early as usual.

i stand in the closet deciding what to wear and settle for jeans, my university hoodie and my black adidas sambas. something simple and comfortable. as usual, i fix my curls leaving my hair down and did some light makeup.

walking down the stairs i see my father sprawled out on the couch. we tend to keep our distance for a while now. we used to be close but that changed about 2 years ago. my brother also stays in his room most of the time. i have 2 of them. an older brother named giovanni who is 4 years older and a younger brother, christopher, who is 2 years younger than me. i approach him and lay a blanket over him. i pick up the empty beer bottles that were lying on the coffee table and floor before throwing them away.

"bye dad i'll see you later im going to go out" i walk towards the front door grabbing my book bag, half expecting him not to respond.

he groans and turns over on the couch.

guess that's his way of saying bye.

i decided that i would head to the coffee shop i always go to whenever i'm free. as i'm driving, i stop at a red light. turning to the side i notice the girl from the train station, sitting on a bench at the bus stop. she's reading a book with her earphones in. part of me hoped she would look up and see me, but another part didn't want her to tear her eyes away from her book. i turn my focus back to the stoplight waiting for it to turn green. once it did, i turned back to the girl one more time and i'm met with her eyes focused on me. i gave a quick smile before driving off heading towards the cafe.

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