chapter eighteen

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alexandra's pov:

i leaned over and kissed her. i trailed my hands all over her body eager to explore parts of her and cherish them. her soft moans filled the room as i used my mouth to gently lick her breasts. i kiss my way back up to her mouth to savor the taste of her lips. she tasted so sweet and minty.

"please lex, can you..." she whimpered as i placed my fingers on her core.

"you want me to do this?" i interrupted smirking as i began to circle her clit.

she hummed in response and i can see her chest begin to rise and fall heavily.

my fingers go down towards her entrance and i feel them glide easily from how wet she was.

"you're so wet corazón. can i taste you?" i asked making my way down her body.

"fuck. yes." she moaned.

i kneeled down on the floor. i brought her closer to the edge of the bed and began to kiss her thighs. i couldn't bare to tease her for too long. my mouth quickly attached to her clit and i gently sucked eliciting a sweet moan from megan's mouth. i flicked my tongue against her clit as she clenched the bed sheets. she tasted better than i could imagine and i knew instantly that i could never get tired of this.

i had never done anything like this until i met her so i hoped i wasn't doing anything wrong. i took it upon myself to remember certain things that she did to me so i could replicate on her. i also payed attention to what she seemed to enjoy and continue doing that to ensure she would feel good.

i was initially afraid of how this would be considering i've only ever had sex with a man. i instantly knew this was way better than anything i had ever experienced before.

"can you use your fingers?" she whimpered.

i quickly brought my finger down to her entrance and slowly inserted it. megan moaned loudly letting me know it felt good. i started to pump my finger in an out before adding another one. the only sounds that could be heard in the room was the sound of my fingers in megan and her soft moans. her wetness was dripping down her thighs so i began to lick it up. i attached my mouth back onto her clit in hope to give her maximum pleasure. i curled my fingers in her hitting the same spot as she did with me allowing her to reach her climax.

her legs began to shake and i continued to slowly pump my fingers into her to ride out the orgasm. i got up quickly and walked into the bathroom to grab a spare towel. i returned back to the room and cleaned her legs up before laying down next to her under the covers, both of us staring at the ceiling.

"i can't get enough of this." she whispers.

i turn to face her and position myself to where i hold her head against my chest. she snuggles into my chest and wrap her arms around my torso. my mind was racing and the only thought in my head was if i could make her my official girlfriend.

i give her a small kiss on her forehead and she looks up at me and smiles.

"i would have wanted to do this in a better situation, but i can't help it. would you like to be my girlfriend? i mean if you want. it can be too soon. i don't know. but i would like that. if you want." i rambled.

the whole time megan was staring into my eyes smiling waiting for me to finish.

"lex, i'd love to be your girlfriend." she smiled and kissed my lips. all my nerves had washed away at the simple gesture. she made me feel like there was nothing to worry about in the world. all my fears washed away when i was with her.

i kissed her passionately before we finally adjust ourselves to fall asleep. i laid on my back while her head laid on my chest. my arm wrapped around her back while hers wrapped around my stomach. i felt at ease and comfortable. being with megan was so easy. i loved the feeling of being with her.

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