chapter fourteen

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alexandra's pov:

my alarm goes off and i open my eyes to find myself alone in my bed. thoughts of  last night resurface and i lift the covers noticing i'm completely naked. i feel disappointed that she left but i'm sure she had to go get ready for school.

i get up and notice a small note on my nightstand.

dear alexandra, i woke up around 4 realizing i will literally get killed if my parents find out i left. i had an amazing time last night. text me when you wake up beautiful <3

i smile and bring the note to my chest. she's so thoughtful. she could have just left without saying anything but she almost knew i'd feel disappointed so she left a note.

i send her a quick good morning text and decided to quickly get ready for school. i had felt confident enough in my studying to be prepared for the day. i didn't let the fact that i was so stressed to ruin my amazing mood from last night.

i wanted to wait until i made her my girlfriend before having sex. i had a whole idea planned on what i'd do. but last night i couldn't resist, and it seemed like she wanted me just as bad. i started slightly overthinking on whether or not this happened way too soon. i barely got to know her but i already felt myself very attracted to her. i kept thinking that maybe i should have waited longer and got to know her more.

i made my way to the train station and i notice my favorite blonde girl sitting on a bench waiting for our train. i decide to sneak up on her and surprise her.

"boo!" i scream and shake her.

she scream loudly and turned to look at me. the fear in her eyes turn into anger. "fuck you. you're so mean." she pouted.

"i'm sorry meg." i laugh and hug her. i pull away and she's blushing.

"how did you sleep." i asked teasingly.

her cheeks reddened even more before giggling. "i slept really good what about you." she asks.

"i slept great until i woke up by myself." i pretended to have a sad look on my face.

she lifted my chin with her finger and gave me a small kiss. now i was the one who's cheeks were so red.

"i am sorry. i had to go before my mom literally killed me. i had to put pillow under my sheets in case she walked in. luckily i wasn't caught." she laughs as we walk to the edge of the platform as our train was approaching.

after talking for a little on the train ride, an idea crossed my mind.

"megan." i say seriously as she turns to look at me. "will you go on a date with me? and actual one this time." i ask.

she smiles at me and pretends to think about it for a little before finally answering. "hmm... sure. i'll go on a date with you."

"great! i wasn't taking no for an answer anyways. are you busy friday night?" i ask.

"hmm nope. i don't have any plans so i'm all yours." she smirks.

"i like the sound of that. i'll pick you up friday at 6." i smirk back as we finally approach our train stop. we get off of our seats and began to make our way to the bus stop.

after a talking for a little more sitting next to each other on the bus ride, we arrive at the school. once we get off the bus we stand before having to part ways to head to our classes.

"what time do you get out?" i say looking at her while holding her hands.

"i should be done by 11:30 and you?" she asks.

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