chapter five

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alexandra's pov:

i spent my sunday walking around the farmers market before my shift at the diner tonight. jackson was supposed to come with me but he had said his coworkers invited him to hang out at the movies. i didn't mind. i liked spending time alone walking and listening to music.

i continue walking down to mr. and mrs. smith's bookstore. i decided i would go in to say hello but first i stopped to get them both coffee at the cafe. i walk in and i immediately notice the girl from the train station with some guy. she was probably straight and this was maybe her boyfriend or something.

the amount of time i've spent thinking about her these past couple of days is unbelievable. i still couldn't believe how big her house was. maybe her family is rich. i shook my head at the overwhelming thoughts and went to order the 2 coffees. once they were ready i paid and glanced back at her. the guy was on the phone and i made my way to the door to head to the bookshop.

opening the door, i hear the bell ring letting mr. and mrs. smith know that someone was at the door. they come out from the back with huge smiles on their faces when they notice me.

"alex!! how are you sweetie. i've missed you!" mrs. smith says coming in for a hug.

"i'm doing well! i came by yesterday and saw mr. smith. i wanted to bring you both a coffee. i was at the farmers market and wanted to say hello before my shift at the diner." i say handing both of them their coffee's.

"well you better come sometime this week, i have a new books coming in if you are interested!" mr. smith says excitedly while putting his arm around mrs. smith.

they have been together for years and when i see them, i can only hope i'd be able to find a love like theirs. we chat for a bit, catching up. they ask about my school and how my grades are. they truly believed in me when no one else did and for that i am so grateful for. i glance out the window to see that blonde haired girl from earlier. she walks by and i can only assume she's heading towards the bus stop.

i say my goodbyes to mr. and mrs. smith before deciding i would go talk to her. as i'm walking out and approach the bus stop, i begin second guessing my idea. she probably thinks i am a creep following her. as i decide i would turn around and walk away, i hear her beautiful soft voice.


i turn around and smiled sheepishly.

"hey megan how are you?" i ask nervously as i begin walking towards her again.

"i am good just have to take the bus home." she looks down and fidgets with her fingers.

"your boyfriend couldn't take you home?" i blurt out almost instantly regretting what i said.

"oh daniel? he's not my boyfriend. he's my bestfriend. he has a girlfriend anyways. wait how did you know i was with him?" she turns to me with confusion in her eyes but also a slight smirk.

"oh i um- i walked into the cafe to buy the bookstore owners a cup of coffee and i saw you with him." i say looking down at my feet.

"oh so you weren't spying on me. kind of disappointed now" she says smirking and laughing.

i look up surprised at her sudden confidence. she was so beautiful. it made me happy to see her shyness fade away just for a second to reveal a much more confident attitude.

"would you like a ride home? i have to go to work soon but it's sort of near where you live so it's on the way." i suddenly asked hoping she'd agree so i could spend more time with her.

she nodded and gets up as i lead her to my car. after a couple of minutes walking, we arrive to my car and i open the door for her yet again. she gets in and for the second time she tries to hide her blushing but i can very well see it. i close the door smiling and head to the drivers side.

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