chapter seven

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megan's pov:

"meg you HAVEEEE to go to this party pleaseeeeee." daniel said desperately cupping my face.

after my interaction with alexandra today, i called him to come over so i can talk to him about it. he gets to my house and immediately begins talking about some huge college party everyone's going to. i'm not much of a party person. i'm really shy and like to keep to myself. parties are places where you cannot do that so i tend to stay away from those.

daniel however, is super well known in our town. since he's popular and plays football for the university in the city, he's always invited to parties. he knows better than to ask me to go to any but for some reason today he's really insisting i go.

"please meg. it's time for you to get over juliet. you need to find some hot girl and let loose a little. finals are coming up so you need to get your mind off of it for one night. please?" he looks at me with those sad puppy eyes he always does.

"danny. that's exactly the reason i should stay in on friday.  i could be studying for my finals instead of some lame college party." i planned on staying home and doing nothing this weekend but i guess daniel has plans otherwise.

"if you go to this one i won't bug you for the rest of the year. okay maybe not the rest of the year but just please come." he gets up from my desk chair to sit next to me on my bed.

"okay i'll go but you have to promise you won't leave me looking like a dumb ass." i groaned.

"thanks meg. okay you got it i promise i won't. this is gonna be so fun. i'll come and pick you up friday. samantha is also coming too." he hugs me.

at least samantha will be there in case daniel gets dragged away by his friends. for some reason a part of me was dreading to go but another part also wanted to be open minded and consider the possibility that i could actually have... fun? i've been super stressed lately with school and the arguments i've been having with my parents that i think i could use this.

"okay on to more important matters. what's going on with this mysterious girl you keep talking to me about." daniel stands from my bed to bring the chair from my desk to sit right in front of me.

"well for starters, her name is alexandra. the day after i met her it was raining and the bus didn't come. she found me as she was walking by and offered to take me home." i look over at his reaction and he was smiling waiting for me to continue. "then the day after when we went to church, you left so i went to take the bus home and she literally showed up out of no where." i smiled.

"hey i don't mean to hate on your love life but that's kinda creepy no?" he let out a slight chuckle but also seemed serious at the same time.

"yeah it's honestly a weird coincidence that i saw her again but hey i'm not complaining." i laughed. "anyways then she offered me a ride again since she was on her way to work anyways. we actually started talking a bit more and she opened up to me about something important." i look down and smile remembering that day.

"after, i couldn't help but give her a hug daniel. i don't know what i was thinking it was almost an instinct but she actually hugged me back. then today, we spent the whole train ride together talking about random things." i sigh contently. the thought of alexandra made my heart melt. but i couldn't let myself start to have feelings for her especially if she wasn't into girls. i have the tendency to fall for straight girls.

"she seems really nice meg. when will i get to meet her? she goes to school with us right? maybe i'll see her around." daniel said getting up. "i think i have to go though meg it's kind of late."

"yeah you might see her around school. i haven't really seen her maybe because we are taking completely different types of classes." i finally get up from the bed and we head downstairs. "but okay danny i'll see you later."

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