chapter six

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alexandra's pov:

"are you a first year student?" i ask breaking the silence.

"yeah. are you?" she looks from the window towards me.

"yeah i'm a first year. what are you majoring in." i began thinking of questions i can keep asking her to try and get to know her better.

"oh i'm majoring in english. i want to try and become an english teacher. i love reading so i think that's why i want to do that. what about you?" she replied smiling. her eyes had a familiar glint similar to the one she had when she was talking about the music she likes. i could tell she was really passionate about her choice of study.

"i'm trying to go into nursing. my mother was a nurse and i guess when i was younger i always was told my personality was really caring and i would make a great one." i said however looked down to my hands. i mentioned my mom and secretly hoped she didn't ask more questions about her. it was always a harder topic for me to discuss.

"oh so do you have a good relationship with her?" i look up at her eyes after she said that and it seems my face gave away the answer. she immediately begins to look worried and regrets her bringing it up.

"i'm sorry you don't have to answer that if you don't want to. i don't know why i asked."

"it's okay. i guess growing up i never really considered her as my mom. she always was working and never made time for me or my siblings. my grandma practically raised us. she divorced my dad about 2 years ago and left us for some new boyfriend. i don't talk to her anymore." i respond gazing out the window. my mother was never there for me so i don't know why her leaving hurt me this much.

"oh i'm sorry. i didn't mean to pry i was just curious. i'm sorry about your mother never having a relationship with you. from what i can tell she missed out on an amazing person." she lets out a genuine smile and reaches for my hand in attempt to comfort me. she gives me a light squeeze and i feel my body start to warm up. her eyes are staring into mine and i can't help but look down at her lips. i slowly look back up to her eyes and notice she had a slight smirk on her face.

"thanks megan. i've never really talked about her to anyone. i'm not sure why i just said all of that." i half smiled noticing her hand was still in mine. "you're just pretty easy to talk to." i gave her a reassuring squeeze back.

she looks down at our hands and quickly lets go. i tried to hide the disappointment on my face by looking away. we make a bit of small talk before finally approaching our stop. once arriving, we head to the bus stop together. it was always cold in the morning, especially in the city. it's been foggy and raining these past couple of days. luckily today it didn't seem to rain but it was still very cold.

the rest of my day was uneventful. after parting with megan at school, i went to my classes. after my last lecture, i had to head home to get ready for my shift at the diner. i knew that i had about 2 hours before it started so i have just enough time to get home and change.

i make my way down to the bus stop and sat there waiting. i decided to call jackson since we hadn't talked since yesterday morning when he informed me he was going out with his coworkers. i pull my phone out of my pocket and click on his contact. after a couple of rings he finally picks up.

"hey how are you? i haven't heard from you and wanted to see what you were up to." i asked.

"oh sorry i didn't text back last night. we got home pretty late so i didn't wanna wake you." he replies after a couple of seconds.

"oh it's no problem. did you have fun? what did you end up doing." i ask him curiously.

"geez alex. are you gonna interrogate me? i just went out with some coworkers that's all. we went to the movies then a club." he spits out. the thought of him at the club didn't bother me as much as i thought it would so i just ignored it.

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