chapter forty

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megan's pov:

i sat in my car waiting as it warmed up. i had been taking care of ryan all day after leaving alex's house. i got ready a while ago and now i'm just waiting before i go meet juliet at the cafe. it was really cloudy today, i just knew it was going to rain. alex crosses my mind. this is our favorite weather. i wonder how she is right now. i decide to send her a quick text before i leave.

megan: hey baby. i'm going to go to the cafe now, how's everything going?? text me when you have a chance. i love you :)

i hit send and buckled my seat belt. i turn some music on and drive to the cafe. just as begin pulling out of the driveway, it begins to rain. i made sure to be careful, ensuring i was paying complete attention to everything. i still get a little nervous when it comes to cars after everything that happened with alex, but i've been learning to get over it.

soon enough, i park in front of the cafe and put some quarters in the meter before stepping inside. i tried to be quick so i couldn't get so wet but i wasn't exactly successful. once stepping inside the cafe, i look around to try and find juliet but i don't see her. it's actually quite busy today. there is a lot of people here. i guess she isn't here yet.

i made my way to the back of the cafe and sat down in a booth by the window. i stared out and watched as the rain fell from the sky. i could hear the rain faintly but it still soothed me. i was interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat.

"hi, can i get you anything?" i hear someone say flatly. great. it's natalie.

"hi. i'll just take a water for now please." she nods and walks away.

i still have weird feelings about her. she literally is so clearly in love with alex and has tried to get in the middle of us already. alex luckily told me she would end the friendship which i appreciated. i felt weird asking such thing from her. i didn't want to be that girlfriend. the one who is jealous about everyone and anyone. i'm really not like that, natalie just gives me weird vibes.

i scroll for a while on instagram until the bell to the door rings. i look up and find juliet glancing around drenched from the rain. she spots me and makes eye contact before walking towards me. from the corner of my eye i see natalie watching us.

"i'm sorry for being late. i had to walk here. i'm staying in a hotel nearby and the uber was taking too long." she apologizes and sits down in front of me. "thank you for coming."

"i just want to hear what you have to say juliet. and i told you already. i'm with someone and just because i'm here listening to you, it doesn't mean i'm going to leave her for you." i say, making my intentions clear from the start.

"i understand. i just have missed you so much meg." she says reaching her hand out to grab mine. i instinctively pull back which makes her do the same. "sorry."

"what do you have to say?" i ask impatiently.

"i want to tell you exactly what happened when i left." she started. i nodded at her to continue.

"remember that day we hung out at your house. we were laying down in your room and i was doing your makeup." she sighs. i nodded because i remembered that day completely. "i sat there on top of you putting lipgloss on your lips and in that moment i knew in my heart what i wanted. i wanted to kiss you so bad. i almost did actually. i don't know if you remember but i just quickly got off of you and went home. when i got home i laid in my bed thinking for hours. when it came to be dinner time, i went downstairs and just told both of my parents."

"i told them that i liked you. they told me that you were a girl and that it wasn't right. they told me i'd burn in hell for that." she continued holding back tears. "my dad sent me to my room and the next day i didn't go to school. i loved you so much meg and i thought that maybe there was a chance we could be together. i found out i was wrong when the next day i found my parents packing everything. they took my phone and laptop so i couldn't contact you. we moved about an hour away and i hated myself everyday for saying something. maybe we could've made things work and kept it in secret, but you didn't deserve that." she says finally letting the tears roll down her cheeks.

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