chapter twelve

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alexandra's pov:

what the fuck just happened. one minute we were just having a conversation and the next we are making out in the backseat. the whole night i felt so much sexual tension between us but i didn't intend to act on it. it was our first "date", although i don't want to consider it a date. when i take her out on an actual date, it's going to be the real deal.

after i dropped her off, i made my way home. my father wasn't awake so i just slipped into my room to text megan and take another shower. i know my underwear was probably damp so i needed to get out of these clothes.

i quickly was able to fall asleep. i was so tired from my shift at work but seeing megan gave me a short burst of energy. i lift the covers off of the bed and slip inside. i put my alarm and let my eyes shut falling into a deep slumber.


my alarm goes off letting me know that it is 9 am. i know it's sunday but i had plans to go to the cafe to study. my finals were this week and i already put off studying for a couple of days. i only had to show up monday and tuesday for my finals and the rest of the week marked the beginning of my break.

i roll out of bed making my way to my closet to pick out my outfit. i ended up deciding to dress comfortably in jeans and a gray crewneck and sneakers. i put my hair in a bun and left a few curls in the front to stick out. i apply my usual mascara and lipgloss and head downstairs.

after leaving a note on the counter for my dad, i get in my car and drive off to the café. today was actually a perfect climate. it was not too cold and the sky was a little cloudy. i was warm enough with my jacket so i didn't need to turn the heater on like i usually did. it takes me about 10 minutes to get to the cafe. i park on the street and feed the meter before walking inside

the bell rings when i open the door. i head to the counter to order and coffee. no one was in the front so i stood waiting thinking about what i wanted to try.

"hi how can i help you?" i hear a familiar voice say. i look down and at the same time natalie is coming out the door from the storage room i'm assuming. we lock eyes and she gives me a small smile.

"hey natalie. can i get a chai latte." i say smiling remembering the day i met her and she recommended me that same drink. ever since then it had became my favorite thing to get.

she smiles before writing on the cup and setting it down. "would that be all?" she asks.

i nod and pay her before finding a table to sit at. i pull my laptop out of my bag and begin reading some emails. after a couple of minutes i feel someone's presence and look up to see natalie holding a cup out for me to take.

"here you go." she gives me a sort of sad smile before turning to walk away.

i immediately feel guilty and grab her arm turning her around.

"natalie i'm sorry for just leaving like that on friday. i was really upset about what happened and i left with a friend." i said in a soft tone.

"no it's okay really. i shouldn't feel this way anyways. i understand you were upset which i'm really sorry about by the way. that guy is a complete asshole." she grits through her teeth.

"yeah tell me about it." i roll my eyes. "anyways do you maybe wanna hang out later once you get out? i'll try and make up for leaving you hanging." her eyes light up and she nods.

"my shift ends at 12. it's barely 10 so i still have about 2 hours." she says looking down at a brown leather watch she had on her wrist.

"that's okay. i came here to study so i can do that until you are done if you want?" i offer.

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