chapter twenty nine

413 13 13

alexandra's pov:

we laid in bed holding each other. we had just took a shower together quickly so we could spend time together before she had to go home. it was getting late already, almost 10pm. she had texted both her parents that she would be leaving soon.

megan was going to come back tomorrow anyways to spend christmas eve with my family. when i had mentioned it to my dad, he was more than excited for her to come over. we had a small christmas tree set up in the living room and there were various present for megan already. my dad and brothers decided to buy her gifts to make her feel welcomed and included. i had my own gifts that i had bought for her as well.

we spent a good hour cuddling. i was laying down with my arm around her as she laid on my chest. nothing truly felt better than being in this position with her. i stared down at her admiring her beauty.

"i don't wanna go home." she sighed.

"i know mi amor. you get to come back tomorrow though." i giggled.

"i guess i should get going now before my mom freaks out. ever since you were in the accident she asked for my location too just to make sure." megan said as she began to get up.

"it's just for your safety corazón. i'm glad you have mine too." i smiled. "i need to figure out what to do about my car. my dad told me we could figure something out. i rely on it to get around so i guess i will have to go back to work soon." i roll my eyes.

i totally forgot about working. i haven't been working for the past week obviously because of my arm. i have an appointment in about 2 weeks to remove the cast and get another x-ray to see how my arm is healing. once i get cleared to go to work, i'll have to pick up extra shifts so that i can get another car.

"don't worry about that now. just worry about getting better and then we can figure that out. don't stress yourself too much okay baby." she says walking over to my side of the bed to leave a kiss on my forehead. "i'll text you when i get home. i love you." she whispered.

"i love you more. be careful." i reminded her.

she walked out of the room and closed the door leaving me with my own thoughts. all my worries and thoughts flooded back to me when megan was not here. with her, i felt time would stop and it was just me and her.

i stared out of the window that is closest to my bed. this window had a clear view of the street. it was dark but the street lamps were on. you could see the leaves blowing from the wind, some sticking due to the rain from yesterday. i got déjà vu from being in this exact spot a couple of weeks ago.

within the span of a month, i got cheated on by the guy i thought i'd spend the rest of my life with, broke up with him, met megan, became her girlfriend, and got into a car accident.

i lay down in my bed comfortably waiting for megan's text before i went to sleep. a couple of minutes later my phone vibrated.

megan: hey love i am home. i'm going to go to sleep. goodnight i love you. <3

i quickly typed back.

alexandra: glad you're home safe. i'm going to go to bed now too. see you tomorrow. sweet dreams i love you <3

i set an alarm and put music on before turning my phone off and charging it. i get under the covers and lay down. it doesn't take me very long to fall asleep.


i wake up to the sound of my dad blasting his "cleaning the house" playlist. the sunlight peaked through the curtains allowing my room to fill with light. my alarm hadn't even gone off yet but i decided i should might as well get up. i needed to finish wrapping some gifts and take them downstairs to place by the tree. before all of the gift wrapping, i decided to go downstairs to see what everyone was up to.

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