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alexandra's pov:

we pulled into the parking lot of a local restaurant. i texted my mom the address so she could meet us here. i had to drag gio along with us. he didn't want to come but after a lot of convincing, he finally agreed. i parked the car and turned to face megan who was in the passenger seat.

"you ready?" she asked softly.

"yeah." i smiled and kissed her cheek before stepping out the car.

as we walk into the restaurant, i see her sitting at a table in the corner. we made eye contact and i see her smile. we made our way towards her and all sat down. megan and i sat side by side while gio and chris sat together across from us. my mom was seated at the end of the table.

"hi. how are you guys?" she asked my brothers.

"i'm good mom and you?" chris responds. he admitted to me that he had reached out to her a while ago and he remained in contact with her. he has always been very close to her.

"i'm good baby. what about you giovanni? how is everything?" she asked hesitantly.

i stared gio down as he made eye contact with me. he rolled his eyes and turned to her. "i'm good."

"and you must be megan." she turns and looks at megan. she sticks her hand out and megan shakes it.

"it's nice to meet you ma'am. i have heard a lot about you." megan says politely.

"you don't need to call me ma'am. you can just call me gabriela." my mom smiled.

we spent some time in silence looking over the menu. it was a little awkward but it wasn't too bad. i knew it was going to be hard for gio to be on good terms with my mom but i thought it was worth a try to get him to come. i honestly think that's a huge step forward regardless.

soon, a waiter came and took our orders. my mom turned to megan and began asking her questions.

"so megan. how long have you guys been together?"

"it's been over a month ma'am- i mean sorry, gabriela." she says nervously.

"it's okay mija. don't worry." my mom laughed. "how did you guys meet?"

"we actually bumped into each other at the train station. she almost pushed me into the tracks." i shrugged.

"i told you it was an accident." megan pouted.

we continued our dinner and with time, megan opened up a little more and surprisingly gio did too. she would ask him some questions and he would respond a little more each time. i know it's hard because i was in that same position but i'm willing to give it a chance with her. i lost her once and i really don't want to go through that again.

after we finished eating, we left the restaurant laughing and joking around. we actually had a really great time and i was so glad everything went well. i had a huge feeling that things were going to be awkward but we were able to get through it and ultimately have a good time. 

we stopped at our cars before saying bye to my mom.

"it was super nice meeting you megan. you seem like a wonderful young woman and i'm really glad you and my daughter are together. i look forward to seeing you again soon." she says hugging megan.

"it was very nice meeting you too gabriela. i also look forward to seeing you soon." megan hugs her back.

"i think i'm going to take your brothers hole if that's okay mija. that way you and megan can go out a little bit if you'd like." my mom suggested.

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