chapter nine

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megan's pov:

when we had arrived to the party, it was getting pretty late. daniel never liked showing up on time to these because he swore it was not cool to do so. i never really understood so i just did whatever he said. the party was actually bigger than i had imagined. there were, of course, so many people that i have never even seen before. there were also people from high school that i did recognize and was able to catch up with.

i spent most of my time talking to samantha as she felt equally uncomfortable to be there. daniel was stopped by so many people and left me and samantha alone to talk.

after some time, daniel decided to play beer pong with some of his football teammates.

"meg, let's go we are gonna go get some drinks. if we are gonna be here might as well try to have some fun." samantha says pulling my arm towards the inside of the house to the kitchen.

when we get to the kitchen. samantha begins to grab bottles of liquor and pouring them in cups. after she's done she hands me a cup and we lean against the counter to talk.

"how have you been? daniel has been telling me you met some mysterious girl?" she says wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"stop sam." i said laughing and punching her arm. "i did meet this girl though. i've seen her at the train station before but we actually met because stupid self almost knocked her into the tracks." i shake my head at my own idiocy.

"you sure it wasn't on purpose?" she raises and eyebrow at me fully amused while i responded by rolling my eyes. "just kidding meg. anyways tell me about her." she chugs the rest of her drink before grabbing my own cup out of my hand and pushing off from the counter to get us more.

"she's so beautiful sam. she has long dark curly hair with big brown eyes. she's at least 5 inches taller than me. she also has nice curves and her clothes always seem to complement her so well." i say smiling at the thought of alexandra.

she hands me my cup back filled with mystery liquor. i don't mind whatever it is. i just want to try and have a good time and "loosen up" as daniel said.

"she sounds really nice megan. do you know if she's also into girls too?" she asked me.

"that's the thing. i'm not really sure and i don't really exactly know how to ask her. i guess im just afraid that if she isn't, she would see me differently and wouldn't even want to be friends." i look down at my shoes scared and anxious of the possibility that may happen.

"okay let's just go dance. i love this song." she says and we start to head closer to where the DJ was at.

at first, it took a little while for me to actually get into the music and loosen up, but i was really comfortable with sam and she seemed to feel the same way with me as well. it ended up being really fun seeing her be so into the music. i was starting to feel the liquor get to me a little. i was definitely not drunk but i could feel it a little.

suddenly, i hear yelling coming from the other side of the room and i watch as a girl storm out the front door of the house. everyone got silent and even the music was lowered for a minute. i turn back to samantha as the music resumed playing and we both shrugged it off.

"meg, could you pleaseeeeeee come with me to get my jacket. i got so cold and i left it in the car." she tugs on my shirt and begs.

"sure let's go." i grab her hand and direct her through the crowd towards the front door. when i opened the door i find a crowd forming around a girl and a guy. i quickly realize that the girl in the middle is the one i have been thinking about constantly. she had her fist clenched so hard that her knuckles were turning white and her eyes were filled with tears as she yelled at some guy.

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