chapter two

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megan's pov:

i couldn't help but think about this girl. i've always noticed her everyday when we take the train to school. i don't think she's ever noticed me though. she's very pretty. she has dark brown eyes, black curly hair, tanned skin and sort of tall. maybe i think she's tall because i'm 5'3 and she's at least 4-5 inches taller than me.

today was the most embarrassing thing that could have happened. but at the same time i'm kind of glad it happened. it allowed me to talk to her and hear her voice for the first time.

"hello? megan? are you there?"

oh shit. i'm in class still and i was expected to be taking notes for a big final coming up.

"sorry professor, what was the question again?"

i heard snickers coming from around the room. my face warmed up out of embarrassment immediately after hearing people laugh at me. the rest of class i looked out the window thinking about the girl from the train. i wasn't sure why she was taking over my thoughts. i just knew she was absolutely gorgeous.

as i hear the professor talking, i make small drawings in my notebook. i love drawing and painting but i always felt i wasn't good enough to make a living out of it. plus my parents say that art isn't a real career. they always pushed me to go to college for something i can actually make a living from. i want to be a teacher and they didn't like that idea but they preferred it over an artist.

i'll always continue drawing and painting but just as a hobby. i know that being an artist and trying to make a living out of it can be tough. i would follow my dreams but i guess i like to be realistic and have something solid i can depend on.

as my mind is focusing on my sketching, i notice the class is finally over. i put my stuff away but my teacher asks me to stay back. i look at him confused and wait for everyone to leave before i make my way to the front where his desk is at.

"megan i need you to pay attention in class. you're doing really well i won't lie, but we have our final next week and i'd hate to see you get a grade you don't deserve." he says looking up from his desk sighing.

"it won't happen again. thanks professor lund." i pick up my bag giving him a half smile before walking out.


"i'm telling you she has the prettiest brown eyes. she looks like a model without needing to wear make up at all". i find myself smiling telling my best friend daniel after he continuously asked me what was up with me all day.

daniel and i have been friends since high school. sophomore year to be exact. we met in math class after i had just barely moved to the school. being the new girl at school was terrifying and daniel became my one and only friend really. i suffer from anxiety and in highschool it was way worse, especially after what happened at my previous school. daniel understood that and helped me through it and never let anyone make fun of me for it. we had been friends ever since.

daniel is sort of the opposite of me. he's a very popular, athletic, and attractive guy. he was tall, 6'2, dark medium length curly hair. his skin was olive toned. he had dimples in his cheeks and was pretty muscular.

a lot of people always wondered if we were together and would ask me if i liked him. don't get me wrong he's attractive but i don't swing that way. daniel knows that too. he was the first person i came out to. one of the only one's actually. my parents are pretty reserved and i'm afraid if i tell them they will disapprove of me. so for now i'm keeping it hidden from them.

"you should've asked for her name you idiot. do you think she's also a freshman?"

"who knows she seems around our age if anything maybe a sophomore. but daniel i'm telling you she's stunning really. i've always seen her on the train but i don't think she's ever seen or noticed me." i begin feeling insecure about the fact that i have always been unseen or looked over. i'm just an average girl with nothing significantly interesting going on. i have average looks i'd say and not at all popular. i guess the only thing i have really going for me is my personality and brain.

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