chapter twenty three

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alexandra's pov:

my eyes slowly opened and i felt a wave of pain coming from my head and arm. i feel my lips curl into a smile once i see my beautiful girl laying next to me with her eyes closed. she felt me move and her eyes opened scanning me to see if i was okay.

"are you okay? do you need anything?" she asked worriedly.

"no corazón i'm okay. when did you get here? how long have i been asleep for?" i asked.

"i got here maybe half an hour ago. your dad said you had been asleep for an hour when i got here so you've only slept for an hour and a half." she softly said as she moved some of my hair behind my ear. her eyes held pure love and affection and i felt myself melt into them.

she opened her arms and i snuggled closer into her laying my head on her chest. the sounds of her heart beating and the way her chest rose every time she breathed soothed me and helped me feel at ease. the pain i had felt when i woke up had vanished and i was left feeling comfortable and complete.

"i missed you." i whispered as i kept my head on her chest.

"i missed you too." she whispered back kissing the top of my head.

"oh! i got you something." she says adjusting me to lay back on the pillow and gets up walking to the corner of my room. i see her pick up a bag off of my desk. she turned and walked back to me with a smile on her face. she sat back down on the bed right next to me and handed me the bag.

i opened it and found my favorite snacks and candy. i had only mentioned these things once to her. i always found it so impressive that she could remember those small details just off of one time i talked about them. she always found out what my favorite things were by paying attention to the things i bought or if i would talk about them. along with the snack and candy, there was a book. i took it out of the bag and noticed it was a book that i had been wanting. at the bottom of the basket there was a little box. i opened the box to find my broken phone and a brand new one.

"i went to the crash site and found your phone along the side of the road. i brought it here to see if you can salvage it and a new one to transfer your stuff onto." she frowned slightly. i know that this was all scary for her but i really appreciate the thought she put into this.

"you really didn't have to i could have bought a new one myself." i smiled.

"i wanted to." she kissed my forehead.

"thank you so much mi amor." i said between kisses. her hands found my face and pulled me closer to her. i used my working left hand to place on her waist inviting her to get on top of me. she got up and crawled her way on top of me carefully. i noticed how worried she looked to not hurt me so i had to reassure her that she was okay.

"my legs are fine corazón. it's just my arm." i assured. she nodded and smirked. she sat back down on the bed with her back against the headboard. she used her hands to guide me on top of her. she helped me straddle her as our lips connected in a passionate kiss. i had missed this and i knew that she did too by the way she was kissing me. the kiss was slow but needy. her hands stayed on my waist as i used my left hand to caress her face and neck. she started kissing down my jaw to my neck which made me bite my lip to suppress any sounds that may want to slip out. she kissed and sucked my neck gently before smashing her lips onto mine again.

she pulled away from the kiss first as the lack of air seemed to be too much for her to handle. she also had a shy smile on her lips. "your brothers and dad are downstairs."

"so?" i responded teasingly.

"let's just let you rest baby." she said kissing my forehead before helping me lay back down.

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