chapter thirty six

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megan's pov:

once i had gotten home, i texted alex right away telling her i was home. i quickly fell asleep almost instantly. this morning i woke up a little earlier than usual to get ready for today. i had a morning date planned for us in celebration of alex's birthday.

she thought i had something to do this afternoon with my parents but i'm going to surprise her by showing up to her birthday dinner with her family at this restaurant they always have gone to for her birthday.

christopher was telling me that since his mother had left, she refused to go for 2 years since it wouldn't be the same. this year she had the idea to go.

that alone gave me some hope that she was finally feeling more at ease with the situation was beginning to accept things for what they were. i couldn't understand what that feels like and all i want is to be there for her and listen for whenever she needs me. i don't want to push her into telling me things she doesn't want to or for her to feel alone.

the plan for this morning was to go to the cafe and pick up a few breakfast items that i know she likes. i had asked to borrow one of my dad's suv's to fix the trunk of the car with pillows and blankets. i would set up the food and park at the lookout she took me to when we first met to enjoy the sunrise with her.

i'm going to take some games and my laptop so we could watch movies. this was her day so i would ultimately let her choose what she wanted to do. i told her last night to be ready by 6:30 am. she was hesitant because she loves to sleep in but she ended up agreeing. i told matteo my plans a few days in advance so he knew that she would be gone quite early. he knew about the surprising her at the restaurant as well, he actually was the one to suggest it.

luckily for me, the cafe opens quite early so i was able to pick up all the food along with her favorite coffee. i had also prepared some fruit the night before to bring as well. i texted her saying i was on my way and surprisingly she was already up. i had a bouquet of flowers for her and a gift bag. the rest of her gifts i would give tonight but this was just for right now.

once i parked in front of her house, she was already waiting by the front door. she looked sleepy still but once she saw me, her face instantly lit up and she ran over towards me. i quickly got out the car and met her halfway.

"happy birthdayyyyyy." i laughed as i kissed her cheek.

"thank you mi amor." she slightly bent down and kissed the top of my head. i opened the door for her and she got in.

i ran over to the other side and got in before reaching to the back and handing her the flowers.

"oh megan, these are beautiful. thank you so much" she smiled widely.

"you're welcome. i'm glad you like them." i giggled and began to drive off. i had gotten a bouquet made by mrs. marin the day before. ever since alex introduced me to her, i made it to where i'd only buy flowers from her.

when i told her they were for alex's birthday, she insisted she would give me them half priced but i refused. she kept insisting so i accepted and gave her a 100 dollar bill as a tip. she didn't see when i left it in the tip jar but once she realized, i was already out of the door so she wouldn't make me take it back.

when we got to the lookout, i parked along the side with the back facing towards the city. you could see the bridge and the city's skyscrapers from where we were. you could also get a whole view of our town from where we were at.

when she first brought me here, it was the night of the party when she broke up with jackson. it was also the first time she had kissed me. it brought back a lot of memories and what better way to spend time together than to be at one of the places where this all began.

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