chapter twenty

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alexandra's pov:

"how did dinner with your friend go?" my dad asked smiling.

"dad. i need to tell you something." i interrupted.

"what's up mija?" he asked as i took a seat next to him and chris on the couch. i couldn't keep it from my dad. i know we hadn't had the best relationship these past couple of years but before this, he was practically one of my best friends. i don't think i could hide something like this from him. i wasn't ashamed or scared so there was no need to hide it.

"she's not just a friend. she's my girlfriend." i say nervously.

there was silence for a good minute. my dad was staring down at his hands unsure of how to respond. i feel stupid for even saying anything. anxiety builds in my stomach and i was about to get up and walk away when he grabs my arm.

"i'm sorry i just was thinking of the right thing to say. i'm glad you found the courage to tell me mija. i don't think there's anything in the world that you could do or say that will make me love you any less. i'm not gonna lie i didn't expect this, but i'm happy for you. i know i recently haven't been the best dad i could be but i want to change that." he hugs me. "estoy muy orgulloso de ti mija. tráetela a la casa. la quiero conocer." he said smiling.
translation: i'm really proud of you. bring her to the house. i want to get to know her.

"okay dad i will." i smiled back.

"did you already know?" he says turning his attention to chris.

"kind of." he said laughing.

i spent the rest of the evening telling them both how things went and we watched movies. it hasn't been like this in a long time. i'm just glad that my dad accepts me for who i am and that he is actually trying to be here for us. i lost him once and i will do anything to try and make up for the time that has passed.

we spent the whole time talking about the new things we have going on in our lives. chris was telling us how he's a straight A student and how he's in multiple clubs. i was also telling my dad about how school was going and how well i've been doing. he was really proud to say the least. it felt good knowing that my small family was being restored. it was a little late but i'm glad it was still happening regardless.

after the movie finished, it was getting late and my dad said he had to work so we all went up to our own rooms. i quickly changed into something more comfortable before laying on my bed. i called megan wondering what she was up to.

"hey baby, how are you" i hear my girl say as soon as she picks up the phone.

"hi corazón, good actually! i told my dad." i responded.

"you told him about us?" she asked.

"yeah! he asked how the dinner went with you and i just told him you were my girlfriend."

"that's good baby. he took it well?"

"yeah surprisingly. he gave me a whole speech about how he'd always love me and that he's glad i trusted him enough to tell him." i smiled but quickly frowned thinking about megan's situation.

"i'm really glad! i wanted to tell my parents tonight too. they did a whole interrogation but i actually do think my dad really likes you." i hear her laugh.

"i told you he did. i'm pretty good right." i giggled.

"oh you're veryyyyyyyyy good." she said in a sultry voice.

"hey don't start anything you can't finish." i whispered.

"who said i can't finish it?" she said teasingly.

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