chapter twenty six

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megan's pov:

i turned the car around realizing i had left my wallet. today had been so amazing. alexandra never was shy to express how she felt about me and i felt eternally grateful to be able to hear those words come from her so effortlessly. i parked behind some car that hadn't been here before. i opened the door and walk out. as i walked towards the front door. my smile dropped and so did my heart.

alexandra was at the front door with an arm on jackson's side and they were kissing. he had brought her flowers and he was holding onto her waist. my stomach twisted and my tears filled my eyes.

"oh. i just came to get my wallet but nevermind." i found myself whispering turning around walking away. my legs began to feel weak. i couldn't believe my eyes. was i dreaming? i hear her call after me but i couldn't bring myself to face her. i got in my car and left without turning back.

the tears began to blur my vision so i decided to pull over. i hold the steering wheel in my hands and begin sobbing. could she really do this to me? i don't think so. but why did it seem like she just let it happen? my heart was aching and i felt i couldn't breathe.

i quickly wiped the tears and took a deep breath before turning the car back on and driving away. my thoughts were clouding my head and i couldn't think straight. i somehow managed to get home.

i was greeted by my parents but went upstairs to lay down. my phone had been going off since i had left alex's house. she had left a bunch of texts and also called me multiple times. i just needed a little bit of time to think. i still felt tired from earlier so i decided i'd take a nap. i quickly remembered the small promise me and alexandra had made to always let each other know when we got home safe. i texted her simply saying i was home and that i'd talk to her later. i turned my phone off hearing her text back and cried myself to sleep.


i woke up and saw it was dark out. that didn't really tell me much considering it got early now in the time of the winter. i look at my phone and noticed it was 7 pm. alex still sent me a couple of messages after i had texted her but she didn't say much. she probably didn't want to wake me. i wanted to hear her out. a part of me felt like she wouldn't do that to me. but another part of me felt like she couldn't just easily throw away the 3 years they spent together. i opened the messages and saw the most recent one.

alexandra: it's not what it looked like i promise. if you are willing to hear me out, you can come over. if not then i understand i'll give you time. but i'm not giving up.

i don't know if i wanted to go today. i wanted to hear her out but i decided to just let it be for now. i needed to think a little more. i still made a promise to her father i'd take care of her this week and make sure she took her medicine. i couldn't just not go. i wanted to go regardless of what happened anyways because i still care about her.

megan: i'll see you tomorrow morning. goodnight.

she told me she loved me and also wished me a goodnight. a part of me felt good to hear those words, but i still couldn't get the image of her kissing her ex out of my head.

i head downstairs and get something to eat since i realized i hadn't had anything since the morning. my parents were on the couch.

"hey sweetheart. i already did the favor you asked me for. it should be delivered this saturday." my dad smiled.

i forgot about that. i smiled back. "thanks dad."

i walked into the kitchen to make myself a sandwich. i heard footsteps approach me and look up to find my mom.

"is everything okay? you seem upset sweetheart." my mom softly asked.

"i saw alex kissing her ex-boyfriend when i went back to get my wallet." i whispered feeling the tears resurfacing.

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