chapter forty two

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megan's pov:

i slowly open my eyes and find alex watching me. her eyes were puffy and for some reason she had a black eye. it also looked like she hadn't slept at all.

"how are you feeling?" she whispered while running her fingers through my hair.

"better. what happened to your eye?" i asked curiously.

"long story. we can talk more about it later. let me bring you some water." she says softly and gets up walking away.

i'm in completely different clothes and i have a terrible headache still. i can't remember much from last night. all i remember was meeting juliet, being in a hotel room, coming here to alex's house, and falling asleep. i look at my phone and open it to find a video. i begin to watch the video and it all starts to slowly come back to me.

i remembered i was in the hotel room with juliet. i remembered being half naked but i don't remember how i got there or what i was doing. i start panicking. did i cheat on her? as i watched the video it became clear to me that they set me up, and that i did not do anything with juliet.

alex comes back into the room with some water and aspirin. she also has a bowl of fruit and yogurt. she knows is one of my favorites.

"here. eat first, drink some water, then take the medicine okay? i'm going to get in the shower." she says not looking at me. she places everything down on the nightstand and walks to her closet.

is she mad at me? she usually looks into my eyes always, she always calls me baby or mi amor? she walks out of the closet and glances at me.

"are you okay?" i ask softly. i feel tears fill my eyes. i don't know what's wrong.

she immediately walks over to me and sits on the bed. she takes her hand and rubs her fingers against my cheek. she looks into my eyes and i see hers are also watery.

"i'm okay. i just feel so guilty for not being there for you. i couldn't protect you. i didn't believe you yesterday. i'm so sorry." she says looking down now.

i lifted her head up with my hands and looked into her eyes. "i'm okay. look at me. i'm okay." i reassure her.

she nods and lets a tear fall down. "i'm going to take a quick shower." she says and gets up walking to her bathroom.

i get up and follow her. i hear the shower turn on and she stands with both hands on her bathroom counter. i see her looking at herself in the mirror and wiping her tears. i walk into the bathroom and shut the door. i stood behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. she turns around and looks down at me. i grab the bottom of her shirt and help her take it off. i lean forward and kiss her. i feel her warm lips intertwined with mine as i slowly let out a soft sigh.

her cold hands move under my hoodie and sat on my waist. i slowly dip my tongue into her mouth and i hear her whimper.

"maybe this is not a good idea right now baby." she shakes her head softly after breaking the kiss.

"please. i need you. only if you want." i begged.

she looked into my eyes and nodded. she took my hoodie off as i dropped my pants and underwear. she connects her lips back onto mine and reaches me hind me to unclip my bra. i was now standing in front of her completely naked. she took the rest of her clothes off and her arm splint without breaking the kiss and walked us towards the shower.

we step in and immediately felt the warm cascading water surround my body. the warm feeling brought a sense of relief to me. she looked into my eyes and leaned in to kiss me again.

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