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Banxia novel

Banxia novel>I really just want to open a store [plane]>Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Turn off the lights Small, medium and large

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Lu Sinian stepped forward to take down the bottle of Coke from the light group, and as a qualified merchant, he did not forget to sell his other goods.

"Guest, you are injured, it is better to buy another band-aid, although it may not be useful, it is a psychological comfort."

Lu Sinian couldn't help but feel empty as he spoke, to be honest, he didn't know what role these things could play in this plane, he felt that he was cheating the guests, and the bruised scratches on this person's back were not something that could be solved by a band-aid.

The warrior on the side took the Coke with trembling hands, and did not dare to talk to Lu Sinian, so he had to buy a Band-Aid as well, feeling that he was afraid that he would not live long, and it was almost obvious what to trade for in hell.

He said with a crying voice, "My lord, can you not take all my soul, can you take half of it-" Before the end of the note fell, he saw Luz Nian glance at him strangely, and Abel turned sharply: "

No, most of them are fine, as long as you can let me live, please let me live."

Lu Sinian sighed, and secretly speculated in his heart, thinking that this first guest might be a little brain nerve crippled, but after all, he was the only guest, and he explained in a good voice.

"I don't want your soul, just buy it with gold."

"Coke costs ten gold coins, Band-Aid ten gold coins, a total of twenty gold coins."

Able stood there as if he had been struck by lightning for a moment, and after a few seconds he hurriedly pulled out his money bag, moving quickly as if someone was chasing him from behind, and all of them fell to the counter.

He tugged at the hem of his clothes with both hands and said, "Well, then you can see if it's enough." The

black-haired and dark-eyed shopkeeper smiled softly as he carefully picked out twenty gold coins and put them in the box in which he received the money.

[Ding Dong, the income of ten or twenty gold coins has been converted into two hundred energy coins]

Listening to the mechanical sound of the system, Lu Sinian felt so pleasant for the first time, and even the guests became more and more kind.

He gave each other both Coke and Band-Aids, and taught the guests how to open cans.

Able was stunned, thinking that he would die sooner or later, and closed his eyes tightly, and poured it down in one gulp.

The cold liquid just touched his tongue, and suddenly opened on the tip of his tongue, and the bursting sensation of the bubbles made him shrink his mouth, and the first sip felt that the drink was really strange, but he couldn't stop taking one sip after another.

A special refreshment circulated in the body, but the slightly bitter liquid stimulated the nerves even more, and the warrior couldn't help the gas that surged up in his throat and hiccuped.

It was a strange drink, and he had never felt such an irresistible power, as if he had ascended to heaven in an instant!

Able clutched the red-wrapped bottle in his hand and couldn't help but take another sip.

Unlike the last time when he devoured death as if he were at home, he savored the comfort of the bubbles bursting in his mouth, and was secretly shocked.

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