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Banxia novel

Banxia novel>I really just want to open a store [plane]>Chapter 54: Wasteland Plane Ten

Chapter 54: Wasteland Plane Ten

Turn off the lights Small, medium and large

Previous Chapter..Chapter 53 Wasteland Plane IXNext Chapter: Chapter 55: Wasteland Plane XI

"I'm going to take on a mission." Yu Yuanzhou stood in the mercenary hall, and clicked on the long-term commission, responsible for placing the flower purifier.

Because the new galaxy suddenly canceled the supply, there are now very few tasks in the mercenary hall, and the rewards have also been reduced, and the only thing that remains unchanged is this mission, which is backed by the dungeon official and has suffered the least twists and turns.

Yu Yuanzhou is no exception, he still bought it with a heartbeat? A fan, just when he was short of money, he hadn't been idle for the past two days.

Before leaving? He checked the weapon in his hand, the ammunition for the energy gun was quite abundant, and the protective clothing he bought from Lu Sinian's store was also in good condition, ensuring that the body alienation could be minimized.

Although the air quality on the ground has improved, mutated plants and zerg are still relatively big hidden dangers.

Yu Yuanzhou casually stuffed the dispersal into the package, picked up the energy gun, and headed towards the ? Walk towards the exit of the dungeon.

The dungeon is already full these days? Dispersant, he could only walk towards the outer circle, and before he knew it, he was far away from the relatively safe area.

Yu Yuanzhou wiped his face, the oncoming yellow sand was full of clothes, and he felt that he could drop a pound of sand now if he shook it.

Everywhere you look, it's a barren sand, but it's a symbol of the end of the world? Safe.

After all, if you see a different color, it's a sign of imminent danger.

He's slacking off a little? For a moment, I bowed my head and prepared to take out my brain to see if it had arrived nearby? The area where it can be placed.

As soon as Yu Yuanzhou took out his brain, a faint sense of crisis suddenly came to his heart, and the land under his feet seemed to tremble slightly.

His face changed, he quickly took out the energy gun, and rolled backwards without saying a word? After two laps, the choking sand rose and the air became? Yellow, completely unclear before? The view of the square.

A loud bang came from him just standing? The place sounded, and a huge crater was smashed out in an instant.

Yu Yuanzhou's heart palpitated, he secretly lifted his heart, and gasped when he caught a huge vine in the corner of his eye.

It is a mutant plant flower roll vine.

Known for its large body and strong concealment, it is definitely a difficult guy to deal with when encountered alone.

He slowly stood up, and then he noticed the pain coming from his right leg and hissed.

It should be that he just stepped back and ran into a sharp object, what a disaster is not a one-way street, Yu Yuanzhou smiled bitterly.

The flower roll vine came out of the ground, at least the vine with the thickness of the child's arm waved it, marking the sound of breaking the wind, which was extremely terrifying.

Yu Yuanzhou didn't have time to care about the wound on his leg, gritted his teeth and rushed forward with a gun. Count first? Preemptive.

An energy bullet struck one of the vines, snapping straight through it, and a trace of green liquid flowed out of the broken section.

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