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Banxia novel

Banxia novel>I really just want to open a store [plane]>Chapter 80: Return to World III

Chapter 80: Return to World III

Turn off the lights Small, medium and large

Previous Chapter: Chapter 79: Return to World IINext Chapter: Chapter 81: Return to World IV

"So, explain explain."

In the hotel, Lu Sinian frowned and looked at the man standing opposite.

Rong Qing lowered his eyes, his expression cramped.

"The host... Explain, what?

"First? Why are you avoiding me, with your ability, you should have found me a long time ago? Right? "This is also the year of Luth, isn't it? One of the things that solves.

"I, I didn't hide." Rong Qing was stunned, his eyes flickered slightly, and said, "It's just, you've already finished?" mission, so there was no need for me to exist, at the time... At that time, it was also said that it would be unbound in the end.

"Huh." Lu Sinian's eyes widened, and he couldn't even bear it? "So all your performances during this time are because I am your host?"

Lu Sinian felt that this was too ridiculous, could it be that the company he felt in the previous plane was all his own wishful thinking?

"No?, no? Be! Although Rong Qing was composed of data, he sensed that the atmosphere was obviously wrong, and wanted to open his mouth to explain, but he didn't know what to say.

"Forget it?, no? Hard for you, second question, why did I come back all of a sudden. "Luce is Mosuo? With a palm, I didn't say anything more.

"Met on the way through the plane? Space Storm, I can only use Energy Coins in an emergency? You send it back to Earth, and—" "

Then, you decide to leave alone, preferably if I never go to you, and that's the end of it."

"If I'm not mistaken, you came to me for? Enough energy to go home, right? Your home is in the future, it is a high-dimensional plane, of course the earth can't be compared with your hometown, you haven't taken me to heart from the beginning to the end, have you?

"So you've saved up enough energy now?"

Lu Sinian's tone was nonchalant, interrupting Rong Qing's words.

"Master..."Rong Qing had such a flustered feeling for the first time, no? Yes, it's not right, but he just doesn't know where it is? Right.

Lu Sinian didn't have the heart to listen to his explanation?, and said with a wave of his hand? "Since you have enough energy?, let's leave, I don't?" will stop you. People

probably didn't intend to stay here in the first place, but these days of constant search seems to be his own amorous?.

The other side did not respond to his words for a long time, Lu Sinian frowned, and lowered his ears, but he didn't expect that his waist was tight, and the breath that came to his face buried him.

Rong Qing no? Know what to do? It will make the master no longer angry, but he at least knows that it must not be at this time? Can you get out of here, no? And then it's completely over?.

He decided to go along with his heart, stepped forward and hugged gently? Luce Year.

"..." The

atmosphere fell silent.

Just when the two of them were in a strange state, there was a sudden sound of the door opening outside.

"Mr. Lu, I brought you the contract that I negotiated yesterday."

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