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Banxia novel

Banxia novel>I really just want to open a store [plane]>Chapter 71: Modern Heavenly Master Plane Eight

Chapter 71: Modern Heavenly Master Plane Eight

Turn off the lights Small, medium and large

Previous Chapter..Chapter 70 Modern Heavenly Master Plane VIINext Chapter..Chapter 72 Modern Heavenly Master Plane IX

If it's just Lu Sinian, the man in the robe may not? Afraid, but he? Seeing another person at the end of the eye, the conditioned reflex twitched.

"Ancestor... Master Zu, why are you here? Behind

Lusnian, standing? An old man with white hair is none other than Lin Lao.

Before leaving, Lu Sinian remembered that he was not particularly familiar with this plane after all, and it might be better to find the aborigines to help him, just him? remembered that Lin Lao had exchanged contact information with him before, so he deliberately called and asked for the other party's help.

Lin Lao attaches great importance to this rising star of metaphysics, and immediately arranged a hand as soon as he received the call? The people below came to help find it, and even he hurried over.

He? After hearing Lu Sinian's description of the man in the robe, he had an ominous premonition in his heart, so he picked up the crutches on the side and came in the car.

The location of the abandoned warehouse is hidden, but Lin Lao is a veteran in this aspect of exploration, and according to different star positions and algorithms, he deduced the approximate direction.

Lin Lao watched? The face of the man in the robe in front of him was dizzy for a while, and he couldn't speak fluently, and he kept panting? angry, he didn't say a word for a long time: "You, you..."

Xiang Zheng saw that something was wrong for the first time, and immediately turned around to look at Lin Lao's face, and sure enough, he was already pale, he? hurriedly stepped forward to help the other party carefully, and couldn't help comforting: "Old Lin, don't be sad, your illness is just right, don't be angry."

"I thought you were just a little bit unskilled, how could you think that you would? Do something like this! You've disappointed me so much, thanks to your talent in metaphysics! As long as you can learn to Xi to ward off evil spirits in a down-to-earth manner, where will it be? Reduced to this bottom!

Lin Lao couldn't hear Xiang Zhengchu's consolation anymore, he? He slammed his cane on the ground with all his might, and his face turned red.

On the contrary, I don't know which of Lin Lao's words angered the man in the robe, he? Hoarse? The voice interrupted Lin Lao's words.

"Every day is an exorcism! Exorcism! You obviously have better classics in your hand, but you don't give them to me, only let me learn these stupid methods, when will I become a master of metaphysics!

"You said that I was not right-minded, and I didn't plan to pass on the position of the head of the family to me, don't think that I don't know that you are still looking for other successors, why, obviously I am the one with the highest talent!"

The man in the robe was hysterical and vicious? face, so excited that spit flew out, full of unwillingness.

See him? Still didn't know how to repent for a long time, Lin Lao closed his eyes, as if he was ten years old in an instant, he? muttered.

"I thought you just liked to take shortcuts, thinking that even if you weren't allowed to be your successor, you could still serve as an idle elder, but I never thought that you could do such a thing, how dare you..."

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