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Banxia novel

Banxia novel>I really just want to open a store [plane]>Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Turn off the lights Small, medium and large

Previous Chapter: Chapter 24Next Chapter: Chapter 26

Luce Nian closes today's business and opens the system panel.

[Energy Coins: 342000] [Store 1: A total of 2,337 products] [Store 2: A total of 3,645 products]

[Today's total revenue: 76,500 Energy Coins].

Sure enough, since the store in Caldera, the gold coins that can be earned every day can be multiplied several times.

And now the floating life office is just starting, and the goods have not really been sold, and when the chain store opens, if nothing else, it will be able to complete the task in a month at most.

Just when everything was going smoothly, I saw that this energy coin quickly broke through the level of 400,000, and then the growth rate suddenly became slow, and the gold coins earned were far less than the previous days.

Although it is true that the new store will attract more customers when it first opens, and it is reasonable to have a little less after that, the past two days have been a cliff drop.

In the past, the flow of customers could squeeze the door and bustle with customers, but now that the store is opened again, there is no need to queue at all, and even without Liu Er's help, Lu Sinian can easily solve the cashier work by himself.

Leaning on a chair and looking at the deserted shop, Lu Sinian felt that there must be something unexpected that he didn't know.

Now that I think about it, the only person who can help him may be Able.

Warris had already started working on the things that the Floating Life was doing, and it would be at least two weeks before he could return.

Able was well-informed, and with a group of loyal brothers at his disposal, he knew what was going on.

Once he had made up his mind, he immediately went to find someone to call Abel over.

In fact, Abel had been waiting for Lu Sinian to ask him for the past two days, and he came to the store, but he didn't go in, and he looked embarrassed.

Lu Sinian frowned, and before he could speak, Able spoke first.

"My lord, I know what you're trying to ask me... It's a long story.

He hesitated for a moment, not knowing where to start.

The day after Abel discovered the monster, Caldera began to spread the news that the Temple of Light was raising monsters.

Able immediately swore that the explanation was definitely not his own leak, he had never revealed it to anyone but the Demon Lord!

Lu Sinian thought for a moment and waved his hand for him to continue.

"Then the rumors spread more and more outrageously, and at first many people listened to it as a joke."

But soon, the rumors began to change, and I don't know when the rumor turned into a god of light Cult that there were no gods at all, and they were all gods pretended to be by that monster, which was a scam from the Cult of Light.

As soon as this rumor came out, it exploded.

The believers cultivated by the Temple of Light for thousands of years are not something that can be easily destroyed in a while, and when they heard this, they decided that it was a stain on their beliefs and gods.

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