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Banxia novel

Banxia novel>I really just want to open a store [plane]>Chapter 74: Modern Heavenly Master Plane Eleven

Chapter 74: Modern Heavenly Master Plane Eleven

Turn off the lights Small, medium and large

Previous Chapter..Chapter 73 Modern Celestial Master Plane TenNext Chapter: Chapter 75 Modern Heavenly Master Plane XII

The two simply greeted each other? After a while, Professor Zhang shifted the topic to ? Lu Sinian.

"What's wrong? Big? Division, this is...?

Scarface is trying to figure this out, okay? Give yourself a reason to end this fight as it should? Gambling on it, as soon as he heard Professor Zhang speak, he hurriedly tried to cover it up and find himself to go down the stairs.

"Professor Zhang, isn't this my friend? Chinanda? Well, just take him around, around. The scar-faced man smirked.

"yes, I'm okay? Chinanda? The student who jumped off the building?, I heard that it was judged to be a suicide?? When

Lu Sinian said this, the eye? God? Gazing inseparably? Professor Zhang.

His expression is normal, bring? A little regret and sentimentality, it is impossible for any random person to come from? There was a hint in his expression.

"Hey, why can't this kid think about it like that, as long as he lives? Anything can be good? Good? of, just a graduate school entrance examination, to? There will be a chance later.

"This thing is wrong with me? There's not much to understand, that woman? My son is in the Department of Finance, and I am not in the same major, if you want to know, can you? Ask the security room for a security camera.


Zhang's words didn't sound like a problem at first glance, but he picked himself up perfectly? Go out? Go.

yes, yes? The girl who died before and without a mask, and she was not even tied, so the suspicion has fallen? At the lowest, his tone is also frank and unrestrained, without a little weakness, and he will check the monitoring when he says that he will check the monitoring.

But the more Professor Zhang is like this, the more concerns Lu Sinian has in his heart.

He knows that there is such an incomprehensible thing as metaphysics in this world, if he really wants to frame a person, big? OK? Avoiding surveillance cameras doesn't mean anything.

What's more, Professor Zhang actually knows Scarface, he obviously understands metaphysics, and the suspicion has become even greater? Finish?.

Luce Nian is ripping? pulled the corners of his mouth, ignored the face of the scar-faced man on the side, and said directly: "Okay? Ah, Professor Zhang, do you have any classes next, do you want to stay with me? Professor

Zhang maintained? As gentle as ever, he looked a little regretful: "Excuse me?, I would like to go with you too, but I still have one more class to attend."

"Then you'd better hurry to class, student? You can't wait, I'll just take a look around here. Lu Sinian smiled.

Professor Zhang didn't say anything, turned around and walked in the direction of the teaching building.

But the remaining Scarface was very nervous, and he expected Ai Ai to come forward, and before he could open his mouth, he was beaten again? Broken?.

"Then I'll post a message on the scarf first to indicate the follow-up development?"

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