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Banxia novel

Banxia novel>I really just want to open a store [plane]>Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Turn off the lights Small, medium and large

Previous Chapter..Chapter 7Next Chapter: Chapter 9

Oh my God, the bishop swallowed and was silent for a moment.

At this moment, he didn't know whether he felt sorry for his holy water, or was shocked by the demon's forbidden nature.

This was the first time he had seen a demon who could drink holy water as water.

No...... Maybe it's not a demon, ordinary demons can't do that!

He had an extremely terrible guess in his heart, and quickly dispelled it, and he no longer dared to make a mistake in front of the other party.

There had never been that kind of existence in the Lingxi Continent for nearly a thousand years, and although he believed in the God of Light, the God of Light seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep and no longer paid attention to the desires of the believers.

This is a continent forsaken by God, surrounded by hordes of beasts, despaired, strife, and prayers that never go unanswered.

At this time, he didn't know whether this kind of existence was good or bad.

Looking at the snorting knights and priests behind him, the bishop bowed his head to the "demon" and said in a deep voice, "Your Excellency, please save them.

Remembering what the other party had just said, he took out all his gold coins and gently placed them on the table.

Lu Sinian's eyes lit up, this was a big list: "A band-aid for every injured person, do you want anything else?" The

bishop guessed that the shopkeeper might also be a god, and that the things he was selling must be unusual, and that he might be able to take them to the church to study and save more people.

The church lacks everything, that is, there is no shortage of gold coins.

"Let's have a copy of everything."

Lu Sinian suddenly became excited, and after counting the number of people, it was exactly twenty-six people, and he almost covered the entire store.

Throwing the gold coins into the cash box instantly swept away some of the gold coins purchased.

[Congratulations to the master, the energy coins have arrived at 9360, and the balance is 11350]

Breaking through the five-digit sum for the first time, Lu Sinian was in a happy mood, holding the bishop's hand, and solemnly said, "Welcome to come again next time."

The bishop was flattered, nodded again and again, and the balance in his heart faintly tilted in favor of Lu Sinian.

As long as these things are really useful, he will definitely not be stingy and promote them to the church.

For a while, the atmosphere was happy, and after the injured knight put on the band-aid, he also recovered at a very fast speed.

But then a discordant voice interjected.

"Your Excellency the Bishop . . . You shouldn't be, right? This is a real demon, the God of Light dispels all the dark forces, and mixes with an evil thing, isn't he afraid that the Temple of Light will punish you?! Seeing that this was not right, Alik opened his mouth to interrupt them, anxious.

He was still waiting to take over the shop, but he didn't expect that the follow-up would turn like the wind and gradually deviate from the road.

The bishop frowned, for fear that Alik would anger the lord, and waved his sleeve: "You can take those gold coins back, the church is not short of treasures."

Alek opened his mouth, unable to find a chance to speak, so he retreated in resentment.

This bishop is really soft and hard, and when he reports to the Temple of Light, a bishop is actually talking and laughing with monsters, I'm afraid the temple can't accommodate him.

Hmph, it's really looking for death.

I don't have the ability, I can't even kill a demon, and I don't know where I got the face to be a bishop.

He vaguely glanced at Lu Sinian, who was counting the counter on the side, and no longer dared to jump out.

Fang Cai's treacherous power also made him suffer a loss, he secretly hid the Band-Aid he had divided, and decided to take this and go to the main city with the Coke he bought before to gain the trust of those nobles.

After a large amount of gold coins fell into his pocket, Lu Sinian pressed the elevator button and sent everyone away one by one.

He had bought thirty-five copies of all kinds at first, but now he had sold more than half of them in one go, leaving six or seven scattered goods.

There are lonely ones in the light group, and it's really pitiful to see, and besides, they can't be restocked today, so they can only sell these.

Coke is the most popular product, and this is the first thing that made a name for itself, although it is very restrictive and can only be used once, but most of the people who are attracted to the store are here for upgrading, so there is no shortage of markets for Coke.

The second is the Band-Aid, when the warrior fights against the Warcraft every day, injuries are inevitable, maybe as long as there is a Band-Aid can save a life, it is not a bad thing to have one on your body, even if it is temporarily useless, you have to buy one.

The most difficult to sell is undoubtedly durian candy, even potato chips will have a few magicians to buy a little, durian candy with its smell has successfully made everyone avoid, almost no one cares for many days.

Lusi Nian decided to open the market for durian candy so that guests could gradually get used to its taste!

There was a soft ding-dong sound, and there were new guests.

In Vista City, this grocery store can be said to be quite famous, and the most effective way to promote it is the promotion of the people around you, and as the number of people buying Coke gradually increases, it is natural that there are people who do not believe in it and begin to waver.

Goss is one of them, and as a veteran of many battles and relying on perseverance to break through the beast tide, he simply scoffs at such rumors.

It would be ridiculous to ask him to say that there are only some people who can believe such rumors, and that they are trying to take shortcuts to ascend.

But he saw that a friend beside him, who was originally a beginner-level warrior, was directly promoted to a middle-level warrior after returning from the abyss.

Goss had successfully advanced to a high-level magician in the early years, and seeing that he had no hope of promotion, he concentrated on his family, and he also broke his heart for healing all these years.

Because he has always chosen to eat demonic meat to forcibly improve his magic power in the early days, the demon core has faint cracks, and occasionally he is in a violent mood, always unable to control his temper and lose his mind.

Although there is a large amount of demonic energy in the body of the demonic beast that can be absorbed, there are too many impurities in it, and if it is not processed after eating, it will accumulate toxins into the spiritual power.

The kind of magic melting ointment that can purify spiritual power is too rare and expensive, and it is even more rare to see in the small city of Vesta, and his poison is getting worse and worse.

If his wife hadn't heard that this grocery store had the power to reach the heavens, and tearfully told him to come to the abyss to find the melting ointment, he wouldn't have come.

Thinking of his kind wife and well-behaved and lovely daughter, Goss couldn't let go of them after all, so he chose to come to the abyss for a trip.

He fell into the abyss and took the elevator to the grocery store.

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