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Banxia novel

Banxia novel>I really just want to open a store [plane]>Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Turn off the lights Small, medium and large

Previous Chapter..Chapter 15Next Chapter...Chapter 17

After Hawthorn staggered away, he was really afraid of Luthnian at first, and he didn't have the slightest idea of anything else.

But when he walked out of the abyss and saw the dazzling sun, he couldn't help but think carefully.

No matter how powerful that demon is, as long as he escapes far away and finds a bunch of people to protect himself in the main city of Caldera, can he still catch up and kill himself?

Five thousand gold coins, it hurts to think about him.

Hollowing out the caravan he had set up was the only way to fill this big hole.

What's more... He touched his chest, his demon core was now completely shattered, and he could only rely on his status as a nobleman, as well as his gold coins.

If he really had to hand over the five thousand gold coins and lose the magic core, he would be completely defeated.

Absolutely not!

After making up his mind, he breathed a sigh of relief, and planned to go back to Vista City for a while, and then take the carriage back to Caldera the next day.

But as the day passed, Hawthorn woke up to his horror to find that there was an extra pea-sized mole in the palm of his hand, dark and hollow, like...

It's like a demon's black pupil!

The chill hit his back, and he couldn't help but shiver, and his mind went blank.

The horror of the unknown is the most maddening, Hawthorn couldn't sit still, he ran out of the room, and was about to look for the subordinates, and when he opened the door, he almost collided with them.

Everyone was frightened and their eyes were flustered, and as soon as they saw Hawthorn coming out, they immediately surrounded him.

Hawthorn stared gloomily at his palms for a long time, he didn't believe it, it was just a demon, and when he went back to the godfather to purify it, it would be fine, he shouted, "Go and call the carriage, and get to Caldera as soon as possible!" Soon

he reached Calderla, and Hawthorn didn't even dare to fix it, so he crawled to the church.

"Quick, clean it up for me!" He pulled a priest, and as time passed, the black hole in his hand grew bigger and bigger, and it was extremely terrifying to look at the past.

The priest frowned, tentatively unleashing a healing spell on the black hole.

Unexpectedly, this seemed to trigger something, and when the demonic qi just entered the black hole, a burning pain suddenly erupted, constantly attacking Hawthorn's nerves, and the black hole suddenly became larger, instantly devouring his palm.

Hawthorne couldn't control his howl, he trembled and wailed, "Help me, save me!" Don't continue, it hurts me, my hand, my hand. The

priest's hand shook and he quickly cut off the input of demonic energy, but even so, the black hole did not stop devouring, and gradually half of Hawthorn's arm disappeared, leaving only a void.

He hugged his arms and jumped up and down: "No, stop, stop!"

Suddenly, he remembered something, turned to one of his subordinates and said, "Go and make up the money!" Go and scrape together the money and bring me all the gold coins!!

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