Chapter 24 - Jealous husband, Jealous wife *

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The two shared intimate moments day and night. It was supposed to be Dumu resting to regain his strength from shedding, but it turned out to be the opposite. Asha wasn't able to even stand up for her beast of a husband didn't gave her a chance to rest for long. She could only rest up when she needed to eat, take a bathroom break or nap for some hours. She wasn't complaining though.

It's their fourteenth day in this secret place that they made just for the two of them. Asha got her long sleep for the first time since Dumu got out of the cave. She was still naked underneath the blanket when she unwillingly wake up. She still feel sore everywhere, especially the lower part, but they really need to move or they won't be able to leave the place.

She slowly sit up as she rubs her eyes to remove the sleep in her eyes. She remembered that Dumu moved the both of them inside the cave for it rained a bit that night.

He's not here. Thank goodness. I need to take a bath in the lake and organize our things so we can leave this place. If I don't make a move, I'm sure I'm gonna fall for Dumu's antics again and we won't be able to leave. Not that I'm complaining that I have a very active and affectionate husband....

She blushed a deep red while reminiscing how wild and beastly her husband can be. She didn't even cover herself and directly walked out of the cave. Her long red wavy hair covers her naked body barely as she went to the river. She was about to take a dip when she heard some rustling sounds behind her.

"Did my wife have a good sleep?"

Strong arms slowly hugged her from behind as they both walked deeper in the lake. He kisses her shoulder when they stopped as the water covers her right above her breasts.

"Mm-hmm. Good morning husband."

"It is good now I get to see my beautiful wife. I miss you already...."

"You were up early? Where have you been?"

She swiped out the bottle of soap so she can start washing her hair. She can feel Dumu helping her by lathering more soap on her body.

"I made you clothes. I promised you that I will make you new clothes after shedding. I made the clothes you want and described the other night. I am not sure I made it correctly so I need my wife to see it after taking a bath. I can repair it just tell me how."

She faced Dumu and put on some soap on him too. They are both helping each other to clean up like two old married couple would do. Asha smiled at him while he looks at her lovingly as he washes her up with care.

"I'm lucky to have a very caring husband. Did you make one for yourself too? It would be good to see that we both have matching clothes don't you think? And I don't want you to walk naked anymore okay? I don't want other females to see how attractive and handsome my husband is. I'll gouge their eyes out if I catch them admiring my husband's ripped body."

Dumu chuckled before kissing her forehead.

"My wife does not need to worry for I only have eyes for you. I will never even look at them like the way I look at you. They touch me, I cut their hands. And that goes the same for you. I see other males wooing my wife, I kill them. My wife is mine. I am yours."

"I only like my husband. Most humans are monogamous and I only want one husband and that is you."

Dumu smiled at her but there's a hint of worry in his eyes. Asha caught it even if he wants to hide it.

"You don't believe me? We talked about being honest with each other right? Tell me Dumu. What's on your mind?"

"I believe my wife. But the beast world is different from your world. Since there are few females and there is a problem of races going extinct, females are allowed to have as many males as they want as mates.

I am happy that my wife only wants me as your only husband but I cannot stop you from liking other males. That is why I want to get stronger so I will be enough to protect you from others.

You are the most beautiful female I have ever seen and I am sure many will be attracted to you. And if they know that you are smart and not weak like other females, they might do things to snatch you away from me."

"Is that why you are delaying us from leaving this place?"

He nods dejectedly.

"There is a village near us, Just two to three days away from here. I am afraid that many males would like to be your mate and pursue you when they see you. I want to leave a strong scent of me, a five-starred beast, on your body so they will be afraid to get near you."

Asha hugs him and kisses him passionately. Dumu tightens his embrace as they both kiss like there's no tomorrow.

"I like you Dumu. I promise to stay away from them as much as possible. I won't leave your side. We are only there to observe and sell our things. That's it. I need to know how you live in this world so I can adapt."

"I believe in my wife and I will help you blend in in this world. You can be yourself, you do not need to change. I will protect you so do not worry. I just need you to be aware of your surroundings. Do you understand me wife?"

"I do. I'll be careful."

"I am happy. Now let me show you the clothes I made. I can imagine how beautiful you will look with them on. But I still like it better with your clothes off."

"Do you want others to see your wife naked?"

"No! Only I can see my wife's naked body! Let them try. I will break their necks like twigs."

"And I never want to see you again walking naked when we leave here. No one is allowed to see my husband's naked body but me."

"I will always listen to my wife."

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