Chapter 55 - Chaos at Baylor (Part 1)*

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"That's the last I guess?"

Asha wiped the sweat trailing down her neck with her hand. They helped distributing the food for all the beasts of Baylor at the public square. Everyone was smiling happily. Hope begins to sprout in everybody's hearts, all believing that one day, everything's gonna go back to how it used to be at Baylor.

The problem with the wolves have always been a repetitive occurrence. They are all used to it. But what's different now is that they were more persistent. A lot of beasts, locals and outsiders, were being harassed for long. It reached to a point where these peaceful herbivores cannot go out anymore for fear of facing some of these wolves.

The fear added fire to the fuel when their witch doctor is held captive by the enemy, yes, the news about it spread like wild fire that made all the beasts almost lose hope. But thanks to Souta's idea to partner up with the travelling merchants that's having their faces known and recognized, one of their problems about food supply has been resolved.

The story of a handsome snake and a beautiful bird that faces the danger outside just to gather food for the beasts is on each and everybody's mouths. The herbivores are thankful for the outsiders that braves their way for them and even killed some wolves to save one of their own. And with their king recognizing their efforts for the kingdom of Baylor, they are hopeful that this dilemma will be resolved soon, just like before.

"Yes! That is the last one Asha."

Giada was smiling from ear to ear as she looks at the happy faces of the beasts that are now leaving to their homes so they can share the food that they have just received. Souta is talking with Dumu and Magnum as they plan on what to do next.

"Here's an apple Your Grace. Rest. You and your cub need to relax okay? You don't need to worry for everything will work out fine. I'm sure His Grace is doing everything he can so be proud of your mate. He'll need to hear it some times you know. It must be very frustrating for him to lead a kingdom this big."

"I am lucky to have a mate as hardworking as Souta. I still cannot believe that I have a mate like him. You see, he saved me and my brother when we were young from the wolves before. He is already the king then. He treated us both like his younger siblings.

Me and my brother promised to each other that we will help him achieve his dream of having Baylor as one of the strongest kingdoms in the beast world. He wants to reach the prestige Byakko achieved for us herbivores. That is why Magnum trained hard and when he became a five-starred horse beast, he swore his loyalty to Souta and to all of Baylor.

I fell in love with Souta at first sight. And I thought it is a one-sided feeling. I did not expect that he also feels the same for me and that is how we get to be mates. Then and there, I decided that he will only be my mate and that decision had always made other beasts show prejudice against me. I do not know if it is because I have the king as my mate or because I only have him as my mate."

"I know the feeling Your Grace. Back at the fox village, I felt the same discrimination from other females when me and Dumu decided to have a sacred mating ritual. But you don't have to mind those Your Grace. Don't focus on what others are saying about you. It is you and your mate who is in the relationship right? So focus on your mate instead. It's you and him against the world. Those who talks shit about you is just envious of you. If they don't like you then fuck them. You don't have to change your beliefs and principles so you can please their egos. Believe in yourself. Just be you, okay?"

"You know Asha, even if I do not understand some of the words you use, I definitely get what you are saying. And those words sounded cool. You have to teach me those words another time, yes?"

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