Chapter 68 - The blind owl beast *

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Dumu and Asha heard the whistle and they are both aware that this is a signal from Tarik to the other wolves. Asha's legs were still trembling from the orgasm that Dumu's tongue and fingers forced her to reach.

"Husband, we need to check what's happening."

Dumu came out under her long skirt while still licking his glistening lips. He looks at the direction where the whistle came from and sighs.

"But I am not finished with you wife..."

He licks and sucks his dripping wet fingers as he let a blushing Asha watch him do it.

"We can just continue later tonight. Promise."

He smirks at his wife's reply. That's what Dumu is waiting to hear. His wife never breaks a promise so that just guarantees his night with her will be a steamy one. He removed the weights on his legs quickly and morphs into a half-snake before carrying his wife in his arm. He slithers as fast as he can so they can check the situation where Tarik is.

"You're cheating. I told you not to remove the weights unless we really need to."

"But I really need to wife. We need to see the wolves and check the situation. After that we still need to eat or we can skip that and continue what we were doing earlier. What does my wife think?"

"Fine. Whatever. This is my karma for having a very insatiable and horny husband."

"You do not like it wife?"

"Am I complaining? I'm just stating facts."

"Do not worry wife. I will make sure I will please you the way you like it the most... like when my two cocks are buried deep inside you... or would you like my tongue busy with something else?"

He lets out a hiss that have his forked-tongue licking his wife's sensitive ear.

It wasn't that far off that's why they reached the grassy plains without a hitch. The wolves are already cleaning up the mess while some carried eight dead deer on their backs while Tarik is talking to a young male beast who appears to be wounded and has a bleeding arm. The couple moved towards them. Tarik sensed their presence.

"What's the commotion about Tarik? Why the whistle?"

"I found this young owl beast man master. He was being chased by a herd of deer and I just took the opportunity to get dinner faster. Saving him was his luck."

The owl beast was still panting and looks like he's still in pain as he tightens his hold on his bleeding arm. Asha went down but was stopped by her husband who is shaking his head in disapproval.

Are you going to heal every wounded beast man that we meet?

But he clearly needs help husband. He looks so pitiful and alone.

Dumu sighs as he looks away irritated. Asha walked towards the young owl that's still afraid to look up at all of them.

"Don't be afraid. We won't hurt you. Will you allow me to check your wounded arm?"

The boy was startled at the female's voice and looked up immediately. They were all surprised to see the boy's clouded white eyes and was staring blankly as he senses his surroundings by tilting his head sideward to hear clearly.

"Female? You are a bird like me?" His face brightens as he tries to face Asha but the pain on his bleeding arm stopped him as he groans in pain.

"Can I check your arm?"

The boy nods as his white unblinking eyes stares to nothingness. Asha checks his arm without touching him. She slowly spread her mana through her hands that hovers on his arm and healed the deep scratches she saw.

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