Chapter 39 - The Advantages of Getting Wounded *

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"It's not as bad as you think husband. My father is a very loving and responsible person. We were just forced to do drastic actions because of unexpected circumstances. Would you listen to me first so you can calm down?"

Dumu exhaled through his mouth to relax before he nodded. Asha runs inside the cave and gets some clean pelts before going back to Dumu and dragging him back to the fire pit. They both sit comfortably while Dumu continues to rotate the roasting boar. Asha tears the pelt into thin long strips with her trusted dagger and starts to cover the cleaned wound earlier.

"Me and my father were born with unique abilities. This made a lot of humans get jealous and envy our family. As far as I can remember, I've always encountered people who wanted to kidnap me when I was young."

"Kidnap? Like steal you away? How dare they do that to my wife!"

Asha smiled and kissed his cheek before she continued to treat his wounds.

"There was an incident when they almost succeeded in kidnapping me. My mother died protecting me so I won't get taken away. Since then, my father has become overprotective of me. I can't go outside. I'm trapped inside our house."

"Your father did the right thing," Dumu nods as he agrees.

"But, I can't live a life like that. Will you still consider that living even if you are trapped forever and do nothing? I felt like a bird trapped in a cage."

Would you leave me wife if I do the same to you? Because I would have done the same like what your father did to keep you safe and near me. I would even eat you up so you will be one with me forever....

"So I decided to tell my father what I wanted. I want to train like how his soldiers are trained. You see, my family is one of the most influential and powerful in my country. He leads a big organization and is followed by very strong soldiers. Those soldiers defend and protect us."

"Your father is a king?"

"Mmm, almost the same as a king. Those strong soldiers that he has are trained since they were young. I told my father I want to be trained like them so I can protect myself. He disagreed but I told him that I needed it. I want to be able to defend myself from the bad guys."

"Is that why you are that powerful? I always wonder how you get so strong like male beasts."

"Yes husband. I was trained like how males in my world were taught. It was hard, I know, for there's a lot of difference between a male and female body. But I was determined. I was patient. And that's how I got strong at this point.

I'm actually thankful that I was allowed to be disciplined and trained like that because I get to use it here too. It is scary to be sent to a place where everything and everyone is different from you.

And about what happened earlier... maybe you are thinking that I'm a bad wife because I didn't stop you from fighting the chief even if Elder Edi was asking me to persuade you to stop."

"No! Never! I am thankful that my wife did not stop me because my pride as a male and as your husband would have pained me if you did that. As your husband, I want and I will protect you."

"Even if you get hurt like that?"

"Even if I get hurt. These are wounds from protecting my wife. It gives me joy that I got to protect my wife from that bastard. I regret not killing him though. But I understand why my wife stopped me. It is because of my closeness with the old witch doctor, yes?"

"Mhmm. I know you respected him a lot. You wouldn't call him by his name if you don't recognize him as someone close to you. I don't remember you calling the chief's name ever, even once! Is that how much you hated him? I heard that you always lose to him."

Dumu sighs, "I do not need to remember names of beasts I do not like. It is embarrassing to admit that I lose to him every time I challenge him to a duel but it is the truth.

But earlier, my wife cheered on me. I felt stronger because I know my wife believes in me that I can do it. And you were sneaky when you tried to make me remember that I could manipulate my venom like water. I like it when my wife is being snakey like me. It was hard to make my cock behave while fighting wife. You have to reward me...."

Asha laughs while she tightens the bandage that made Dumu flinch from the pain.

"My husband, you need to heal first. I want my husband to recover in full health so we can continue our next adventure."

"I feel more powerful when we are connected as one wife."

"That's because our elements blend in harmony when we make love husband. We call that dual cultivation in my world. Husband and wife can get stronger and heal each other through dual cultivation. Having one mind, one body, and one heart makes mana absorption doubled and more effective."

"After we eat we mate wife. I want to try this dual cultivation."

"We've been doing it every night. You're not just aware because you are concentrated in something else... and you need to heal your wounds first. They might open up and bleed again if you use too much force in your body. You need to exert less to no effort so you can recover fast."

"Then ride my cock wife. Ride it like how you did it before. You keep saying that you love riding my huge cock while you do it. I like watching your breasts bounce while you ride me and my cock being swallowed whole with that wet pussy of yours. I am getting hard again just by thinking...."

"You hentai! How did our conversation lead to this?"

"My wife wants me to recover, yes? Let us do that dual cultivation to try if it is effective. You will do that for me because my wife loves me, yes?"

Dumu looks at her like an expecting cute little puppy. Asha sighs.

"Okay okay fine. You win. We need to eat and bathe first then redo your bandages before we do it. And I'm going to sit on your face first before I ride you."

Asha blushes as she says the last. Dumu smiles his most innocent smile at her.

"You can sit on my face as long as you want wife for I get to drink all your pussy juice again. I need to get into fights more often...."

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