Chapter 43 - Persuading the husband

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Asha laid the weights carefully on the ground as she swipes them out of her space and thought of how heavy should she propose Dumu to get.

"On your last fight with the chief, I've observed that my husband has a powerful tail whip attack. That venom spray is a cool addition to your attacks too. The only disadvantage that you have is, you lack speed because when you are in your beast form, your body is quite humongous making your overall body mass heavier.

And the chief took advantage of that. Because he was smaller than you, he is more agile and quicker. Plus, he used his wind manipulation to add more on his speed that's why he can flawlessly escape and dodge your powerful tail whips.

You might not like what I want to suggest husband."

Dumu was still trying to understand what she told him. He felt her sincerity and was genuine in what she was explaining, but the words that she was using is a bit hard for him to comprehend.

"Wife... can you explain it to me again? Sorry but there were a lot of things that I did not understand...."

"Right. Sorry Dumu, I was so eager to tell it to you I forgot that I just babbled whatever comes to mind. Mmm... husband, you have great strength but you move too slow. That's why the chief had the upper hand in your fight, and he used his wind element to make him move faster.

I want to suggest you putting some weights from my father's collection. I will put it both on your wrists, and both on your legs. You'll need to live with those, and you are not allowed to change to your beast form or even to your half-snake form."

Dumu's jaw dropped when he heard that he won't be allowed to transform. That's the only state where he can rest and recover faster if anything happens to him. Maintaining his perfect form restricts a lot of his movements and even lessen his power for his full potential can only be released and shown only in beast form.

"Are... are you sure about this wife? I will not be able to use my full strength if I stay in this perfect form. What if I need to fight to protect you?"

"That's exactly the point husband. You will think that I'm being harsh to you but I really want to help you. If you get used to doing everything and even fighting in this form while getting used to the additional weight, it will improve not only your speed but also your strength.

I will do the same for me for I want to get stronger together with you. Let's just test it out first while we go to our next destination. We will both need to get used to the additional weight until it feels natural and normal to us. But if we are in deep trouble and we really need to use our full power, that's the time we will take off all the weights.

What d'you say husband? Is that okay with you? It was just a suggestion because I want us to improve our abilities and condition. If you don't agree, we won't do it. Remember what we've talked about being husband and wife? We both need to agree if we have something to decide on to something important."

Dumu was in deep thought. He always believed what his wife tells him. It's not that he doubts her, but he was a bit hesitant for he is used to transforming whenever he pleases to make it easier for him to do whatever. But his wife has a point.

"You said that this is your father's?"

"Mhmmm. You wanna try what he uses for himself? I really want us to spar everyday to get stronger but I know you are hesitant for we might hurt each other in the process. So this is the simplest but longer way to improve ourselves."

He looks at the odd looking things laid on the ground.

"I will do what my wife says. Can I try your father's first?"

"Okay. He usually uses those four at the end of the line. Be careful when you try to lift those."

As soon as she told him to be careful, Dumu tries to lift the one at the farthest. He almost toppled over when he failed to lift, making his whole body lose balance. He was shocked.

"What in the beast god?!? Wife, are you sure your father is not a god or a divine being? Are humans this powerful? How can he do things with four of these? Killing a savage giant might be too easy for him!"

"He took those off just because he wants to try a heavier one before we do rock climbing," she says in a low tone before sighing sadly. "Here, try these in the middle. It should be the right weight for you I guess."

Dumu looks at his wife's change of mood while he tries to lift the weights she wanted him to try. It wasn't too light nor too heavy but it will be challenging to carry four of these while doing what they usually do everyday.

"Wife, I think these will do. How to put it on? Can you help me?"

Asha smiled as she straps the weights around his wrists and legs. She double checked if it wasn't too tight and he can still comfortably move while wearing them.

"We still have a lot of your snake skin. We'll have to cover those weights with them so no one would notice. How d'you feel? Too heavy?"

Dumu shakes his head as he tries to move his body and test the weights. The ground gets to be sinking for a couple of inches with every step he makes. And while he walks around to get used to the feeling of the additional weights, Asha straps on some weights on herself.

"This would be a bit uncomfortable at first for our bodies will still get used to it. But I promise you that this will improve our abilities in the long run."

"I always believe my wife. This is my first time doing things like this. We cannot take these off even if we mate?"

Asha nods as she casually walks around to get used with the weights too.

"Going to our next destination while wearing these would be a good start. Anyways, where are we headed next husband?"

Dumu stops walking and sits on the ground. He was a bit startled when his whole body sinks to the ground a few inches.

"There are two good places where we can go to. The nearest is the kingdom of Baylor and the other one is the village of the wolf tribe. But those two are at war with each other."

"If Baylor is a kingdom, wouldn't it be more powerful than the wolf tribe? They can't win against wolves?"

"Baylor is a kingdom full of herbivores. They prefer peace and quiet but the wolves as carnivorous beasts always provokes them. Where do my wife wants to go first? There are small villages that we can stop over for a night to rest along the way. It might take us like twenty to thirty days."

"Mmm, Baylor first. Let's check their situation first then we'll know what to do next."

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