Chapter 61 - Last Will

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"All hail our new alpha female!!!"

Asha was surprised when she saw the wolves bowing before her. Dumu's grip on her tightens as he tries to protect and block his wife from them.

"Leave. My wife does not want to be bothered with beasts like you."

Tarik stood up and scowled at Dumu. They both glared at each other, not wanting to lose this staring contest they are both in.

"The female defeated the chief of the wolf tribe. She is the rightful alpha for us gray wolves. We will all follow her now. We pledge our loyalty to her and only her."

Asha looks at Tarik as if trying to remember why his face looks familiar to her. Her eyes widen in recognition as she points at him.

"You! You're that wounded wolf that we found before?"

Tarik smiles at her happily as he looks at her.

"I am so happy my saviour remembers me. Even if you did not defeat Barda, I was looking for you to give you my vow of loyalty. When you saved me from the edge of death, I knew and I decided with the beast god as my witness, that my life will not be mine anymore but yours my saviour. I will devote and remain faithful for you are my owner, my master. Please accept me as a beast for you to command or death is my only option."

Tarik knelt in front of Asha and bows.

"Tarik is our leader. We serve who he serves. Please accept us alpha female, our new master."

The other gray wolves follow suit as they all knelt and bowed down in front of Asha. She sighed.

Husband, is this how it works in the wolf tribe?

I am not sure wife but I think that is one of their rules. But this is the first time they are accepting a female to rule all of them wolf males. I think something happened within their tribe that we are not aware of. What do you plan to do Asha? Should I just kill them all right now?

She sighs while pouting. She faced the wolves that are waiting for her reply.

"Give me some time to think about this. But first, lemme tell all of you right now that I am not planning to go with you if I accept to be your alpha. Me and my husband are travelling merchants and we are not planning to join any village or kingdom. We are wandering beasts.

With that in mind, I'm giving you all a choice. You can go back to your village and decide on a new chief or alpha, whatever you call it, without me... or leave that village and join me and my husband as travelling merchants. You have to decide before we leave Baylor.

What I hate the most is pushing others to do whatever they want without the other's consent. If ever you decide to follow me, meet us at the house we are staying at Baylor. To all of those who won't appear by the time we leave, I accept your decision and won't hold it against you. Think this over with a clear mind. We'll leave for now."

Asha held Dumu's hand as they go towards Souta who has been watching the commotion. All the wolves were still in shock for this is the first time that they were given free will to decide for themselves. They are used to just follow whatever their leader or their chief ordered them to do whether they like it or not. So what Asha gave them to think about confused them. They only watch their alpha female walk away with her mate.

"As expected of my saviour. She is gentle as a cooling breeze, is decisive as a firm leader, is unbiased as an innocent cub, and is vicious as a wild beast. I have decided before and it will not change.

You heard the alpha female. You have time to choose your own fate. No need to follow what I have decided for myself. Decide on your own so you will have no regrets in the future."

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