Chapter 86 - Wolf Dance

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"Would you like to move and be the highlight of our main house Elder Najyba?"

"Move? You mean me walking out from here to the front of your house?"

Asha nods.

"Yes! Be the center of our main house. That way, many can admire your beauty and I'll tell all of them that you are the guardian of this island and deserves to have that spot as the main attraction of our house! It would be nice to have the surrounding smell as sweet as you."

They both went silent but then, Najyba's laughter fills the air, the flowers were dropping from her branches as she shakes with every giggle. It was a beautiful sight to see, Asha looking up at a gigantic beautiful flowering tree while it rains white flowers to where she's standing.

"Asha, I appreciate the thought, but have you forgotten that I am a tree? I am not a beast man who has feet to walk around wherever I want to."

"Have you forgotten who you are talking to? You said I'm unique and special because I have the breath of this land. I'll give you the ability to move your roots that can act as your feet whenever you want to so you won't be stuck in this same spot forever. Aren't you curious what the island looks like? You have been here for too many cycles but all you can talk to are those trees near the shore and through what? Through the wind? Don't you want to visit and see them tree to tree?"

They both went silent again. Asha is waiting for Najyba but she has gone quiet. She became worried that she might have offended the elder tree when she was suddenly swooped up with a thick flowery branch and made her sit on one of her high branches.

"Give me the ability to move then Asha my friend. Let us go and let me see how wonderful this island that I am protecting."

Asha looks at Najyba and smiled. She held her hand on her trunk, sharing her mana with the excited tree. The ground trembles lightly as Najyba moves her roots and remove them from the ground one by one. She can hear Najyba's laughter that made her laugh as well as she watched her new tree friend thrilled from this opportunity that she has given her.

Asha points somewhere far in front of them, not actually pointing at anything, "wiggle those roots and let them loose! Time for a new adventure Elder Najyba! Let's go!"

"Hear! Hear!"


"Did anyone feel that? I think the ground did shake again...." Theo looks around, trying to sense his surroundings.

"Master might be manipulating the ground again. I still cannot believe how her small body can contain such huge mana. Manipulating the ground like she is just playing stones and sticks then commanding it to anything she wants it to do is tiresome."

"She is only using half of her mana. I do not know why half is suppressing the fire element inside her body."

"What!? Master can control fire too?"

"Is that the reason why she was able to absorb the fire ball that Barda threw?" Dumu was thinking deeply while Theo was lost in their conversation.

"I do not know what you two are talking about... but why does it smell so good? There has been petals flying everywhere. I will check what sister is doing."

Onslo stood up and walk towards the main house. Dumu left what he was doing and followed, Tarik and Theo did the same as well. The wolves just shrugged and continued what they were doing. They were so engrossed with wood crafting and carving that they decided to leave the checking to those males who are attracted to their alpha female. If they get better with doing these crafts, their alpha will be so proud of them, and maybe receive praises from her for working so hard. That's enough for them to be happy.

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