Chapter 111 - The crows *

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Shay have stayed at the eastern part of the island not that long ago. Ever since he left Byakko to go back to Baylor, it became hard for him to track where the female's group went. All he knows is that they are going north.

He made several stops to check out the villages and even small kingdoms that he can find as he heads north. But none of them have ever heard of her group. He guessed that they avoided passing through tribes on purpose. The reason for it, he can't think of any. He can't get a read of how the female thinks. He just have to keep on looking so he can catch up with them.

Dead season came and it made his journey slower. He still can't find their group. He was starting to give up and planning to follow where the other birds migrated not until he coincidentally saw a small group of bears and elephants together heading the same way as he is. He stealthily followed them and heard through their chatters about the island that remains bright in the night. It brought a smile to his face for he already had a suspicion that it's about the female and her group.

He flew ahead of them and have reached the island and as the rumors say, it is indeed bright even at night. He stealthily roamed and observed. In such a short time, this female got to convince other races of beast men to join her, thus a guild was created with her as the guild master. Until now, he still don't know and has no clue how her whole group crossed the waters and got to that island.

And the change they had made in the island blew his mind. He has not seen anything like it. The houses that look like caves but also feels like they are not. The main house of the leader that is made of wood and earth is simple but elegant at the same time. The ingenuity they did to build farms. The pathways, the stairs, and the mountain with water on top of it. Everything you will see in the island has a purpose.

And how clean and beautiful everything looks! Byakko is a very large kingdom and is the most highly admired place that every tribe wants to imitate. But it is disorganized, dirty and reeks of foul smells you won't even know where it came from. You just get used to it and treat it like a normal way of living. He can't even compare this island to Byakko. The kingdom he grew up is as filthy as their king's mind and heart. This island, would be the best place he have seen all over the beast world. And he believes that the female is not even done yet. It's only the beginning of how she will change and improve the lives of the beast men who will follow her.

It just made Shay's determination resolute. This female holds a great future for them beast men. If he gets to convince his kind, he can imagine how this will improve their lives. He needs to convince the female as well to accept him and his kind. He'll prove to her that he doesn't have any ill intentions towards her. He needs the female to trust him.

He understood why the female is adamant on not accepting other beasts in their island at the moment. She is teaching, training and making their lives better in the island in a very alarming rate. It is hard to know what purpose other beasts would have if they saw how different their guild is among villages and kingdoms. She needs to be careful who she accepts as an ally and who she should be cautious for they can be an enemy.

And he has seen her connection with nature. How the trees respond to her bidding like it's the most normal thing to do. That's the reason he tried to talk to the trees when he decided to stay hidden in the island. He was reluctant at first for when he imagines himself talking to trees, it will make him look stupid. But he decided to do it anyway. He talked to the trees around him like they were beast men. He explained himself out loud so the trees could hear him, his purpose of trespassing and that he has no ill intentions towards the female that they protect. After talking and getting no reactions from the trees, it made him sigh. He just hoped that they will let him hide until it's time for him to reveal himself to the female. Little did he know that the trees understood. That's one reason why they let him stay in peace in the island and never told Asha about him.

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