Chapter 48 - Disturbance *

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The sky is dyed an orange glow. The sun is beginning to set to embrace and welcome the darkness of what the evening brings. A couple is still cooped up in their secret hideaway, not resting, but trapped in an emotional intimacy and exchange of passion in a loop.

Both are covered in love bites and scratches. The small cave reeks with the strong smell of sex. Moans of pleasure fills the cave as it echoes like a prayer, wanting to stay at the opened gates of heaven as hell tries to burn their bodies from their greed, lust and desire to dominate each other.

"Melt with me wife... surrender and be one with me forever... come for me love... squeeze my cock and milk me dry with your drenched pussy..."

Asha was riding him like a bitch who had been crazily drugged with aphrodisiac. Dumu, not wanting to come out on the short end of their mating, meets his wife with deep thrusts. The squelching sound their sexes make harmoniously blend with every pant they make as they both try to catch their breaths. An erotic symphony keeps on playing, they won't need an audience to beg for an encore, their persistence to please one another is enough.

Dumu bites her shoulder as he felt him getting closer to another orgasm. This brought Asha screaming as she explodes with another climax, her legs shaking from every gush of her juice soaking Dumu's lap. Her nails buried deep on his shoulder, drawing blood from every nail that pierces his skin. She can feel his cock twitch and finally release his milk deep inside of her. She's not even sure if there's room for more for her womb is already full. He held her bottom in place with his cock deep inside her twitching pussy, his hips unmoving, as he empties everything inside her. His heart was beating so hard and fast. He won't be surprised if he sees his heart jumping out from his chest.

They both cling onto each other as they both catch their breath. Dumu caresses and massages her still shaking legs as they both come down from the high they have peaked.

"You have to carry me when we go back husband. I don't know if I can still walk for I can't feel my legs."

Dumu peppers her face with soft kisses as he gently strokes and smooth out the tangles of her dishevelled hair.

"Who says we are going back tonight? We can go back to Baylor in the morning. We can even bring more baskets full of food for we have been out for too long. I still want to make love with my wife. I will not stop until you are passed out remember?"

He chuckles when he felt his wife playfully hitting his chest. He meets her lips with his. He wants to breath in her scent as he pour his love for her in that long kiss.

"I love you wife. I love you so much I do not want this to end."

"I love you too husband... I'll always be yours, remember that...."

Their lips met like they haven't had enough of each other. Every emotion and longing was poured in every contact. Not only their bodies and hearts are singing with joy and excitement, but their souls would love to combine into one being.

Things were beginning to heat up when shouts of help outside the cave can be heard. A lot of hurried footsteps are getting closer and closer, as if someone is trying to run for their life while being chased.

"Help!!! Please!!! Anyone please help me!! I need to reach Baylor help!!!"

The couple heard the commotion outside. Asha was trying to get away from Dumu's hold on her but he refused as he tightens his embrace.

"Dumu, someone needs help."

He continues to kiss and suck her neck like he didn't heard what his wife said. She continues to tap his shoulder repeatedly that made him groan in disapproval.

"I only care about my wife. If it is not about you, I do not care what others do. It is their problem not ours."

He was about to continue kissing his wife's neck when she stopped him again.

"Whoever that is, they might really need help badly to shout like that. They might die if we don't do something."

"Then let them rest in peace. They are weak that is why they will get killed."

"Don't be like that husband. He mentioned that he need to reach Baylor. Maybe we can take advantage of that if we save whoever it is. If my husband helps that beast, I will agree to what you have been asking me."

Dumu's ear twitched when he heard the last. He looked at his wife, studying her if what she said is a lie or not.

"What my wife say is true?"

Asha nods, "I never say something I never meant to do. I promise to do what you asked me to do with you."

He kissed his wife hard as if sealing the deal.

"I will do what my wife wants me to do. Stay here Asha."

He immediately wrap around his skirt before getting out of the cave. Not far away from where they are is a beast who just fell unconscious from being hit behind his head.

"We better kill that annoying horse before he tells them that chief Barda have captured their witch doctor."

"What is that strong smell of mating? Where is that coming from? The female's scent smells so good I am getting hard already."

The five wolf beasts who were planning to kill the unconscious horse beast sniffed their surroundings to find out where the scent of arousal is coming from.

"So you stupid wolves are the reason why my wife wants me to stop making love to her. You all need to die for interrupting our sweet time."

One of the wolves was about to react but in a blink of an eye, his head was dismembered from his body. Blood was beginning to stain the grassy ground when one by one, the heads of the remaining wolves rolled on the ground after being cut off from their bodies as well. Not a minute passed and the thicket forest is quiet again.

"Training to fight in perfect form is not that bad as I thought. Thanks to my wife's insistent teaching and surprise training while we travel, I have learnt a lot of moves just by turning my hands into sharp claws. I will ask her to let me add some weights. I feel faster and lighter already. But first, I need to claim my reward from my wife."

Dumu's smile reaches from ear to ear as he puts the five bloody heads in a basket and drag the unconscious horse beast's body towards their cave.

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